

Ask @Laedb

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Have you broken expensive phones? If yes, tell how

Never, I value and take care of things I buy as best as I can.

What is love capable of?

Make you the happiest person, yet the most hurt person if things go wrong...C'est la vie

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Did you regularly exercise this year (2-3 times a week on any kinds of sports, high-intensity trainings, dancing, aerobics, yoga, etc)?

Not gonna lie if I say I actually don't do sports 😩😅 I just walk

What's the difference between affinity and love? And what's the difference between ordinary love and spiritual love?

Wow...this is such a hard question, I will try though.
In my opinion the difference could be in that love is when you have a strong affection, while affinityis a natural attraction or feeling of kinship to a person or thing.In affinity you still stay yourself yet you draw closer to the object for which you like.
And uhm...spiritual love could be love without attachment, like love without the fear that one day we'll lose that person, it's purely love.
Whereas ordinary love could just be like a crush.
(Who are you?😅)

What do you like more - cats or dogs? Why?

I prefer cats, they are so cute and have an attitude that makes them kind of wise 😍

Where should I spend my honeymoon? What is your choice?

Mhh..depends what you like as destination, I personally would go for a romantic beach, exotic places, generally natural and peaceful surroundings. 😊

What to do, if I am allergic to animals, but I already have a cat?

Mhh...if it's that bad you could always give it to someone else. (To me)
That's so sad though 😿😿

Three reasons why we should have a pet?

1. sometimes a better replacement for humans
2. Caring
3. Just sweet to be responsible for a creature


Language: English