

Ask @Laedb

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What would happen if all people told only truth?

Mhhh...wouldn't it be so nice? But then some lies can also prevent you from getting hurt. What do you think?

Why Do We Feel Jealousy ?

Because we are humans and as humans we cherish certain things more and want them only for us. I think jealousy is a good thing in its limits though.

What do you think about photo courses? Would you like to finish one?

I don't see why not seems like it would be fun

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Do you easily forgive those who have hurt you? Does your forgiveness depend on the situation?

Yes it depends on the situation but I believe it's good to give a chance for them to change at least.

What do you think - how much time can you live without using internet?

I can actually... probably like 1 month

What should a girl possess so that you paid attention to her?

Personally she should have manners,strength to handle things on her own, intelligent and caring

..is your heart homeless..??

Such a deep question...
Yes I'm looking for a safe and peaceful place within my heart, which is kind of challenging when everything on the outside seems to be the opposite

What do you think about skateboard or longboard? Can you skate?

I tried skateboarding but didn't go as planned lol

How do you feel about smoothies? Do you like to drink them? What's your favorite one?

Love them. Strawberry and apple


Language: English