

Ask @Laedb

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The thing is I keep getting banned on ask so I stopped making a proper account and everything I rather use sc now 😂😂 but I’ll do as you wish xx

Uh I see...😅😅

Looool ooh got me there I think we should make sc cuz it’s easier to reveal everything 🤔😂

Lmao 😂🤣

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Do you think empathy can be taught? Why/why not?

Although I believe some of us are born with this ability, all of us can (and should) still nurture it by learning. Especially when we are still young.

What position is the most comfortable position for you that fall asleep in ?

Mhhh it doesn't matter as long as I can sleep peacefully

We're lead to believe that happiness comes from big events that are always just around the corner in the future and not in the present moment. I've learned recently as cliche as it sounds; life is about the little things. Every detail can be bliss. Love what you have in your life; everything fades.x

Couldn't be more right than this ✌😄

What would you name your first child?

If it's a girl it would be Nehla or Leyla and for a boy Kadin or Othman 🌼

Yes but lol that was weird for a second loool aww you’re so understandable x 😳

No worries 😉😂

Yes I knew it was that 😳😂 thank youuuu 😉 btw how was your day today?

Not too bad eheheh you?

Wow 😳😂 I knew it x loool btw insta?

Yeah what about it? I did gave the username 😅. Or is this a different person? Lol

Oooh showing me your muscles again I haven’t forgotten 😉😂😂😂 I think you’re there 😳


That’s so cute, aww you speak really well now I’m proud of you x 🤗

Thank you...still have to improve though. But I'm nearly there 😉💪

Wait wen you moved into this country did you not know any English?

I mean I did understand just a bit but couldn't speak that much 🙄


Language: English