
Lala Boo

Ask @LalaBoo25

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To Annoymously asking about Wafi Yuddin~~

LalaBoo25’s Profile PhotoLala Boo
I know him. i thot ' Wafi ' lain tapi rupanya wafi atuuu. I visit his facebook just now and now i realise that ' Wafi ' yang you maksud kan atu wafi yang ku kenal. eheh. aku gtau ia lah ^_^
Liked by: Jeffri Johari

alaa tapi I am too shy to tell my name. ckp saja secret admirer. tapikan I am like too old than him. I am 16 and he is 13?14? like hmm

haha. It's okie. later lah bagitau ^_^
Liked by: Jeffri Johari

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lala boo ~~~it's me yg tanya psl wafi ah. yes I guess you could bagi tau ^/////^ thankies

ummmph siapa??? hahahha. cuba gtau your name or nick name. eheh ^_^
Liked by: Jeffri Johari

lala boo! heh your fiancee ari tu cosplay my fav character (gintoki) but I didn't get to take a pic with him. boohoo. if you..don't you get jealous if girls take pic with him?

ummph yeah. lol? i don't mind mun ganya kan begambar pasal minat the character. hahahahah. jangan ja labih :D

lala boo-san.... I want to cosplay tapi di brunei kan ada hukum hudud. strict psl baju ah. cemana tu?

hello. cosplay? boleh tapi pilih baju yang jangan sexy sexy. ada pulang hukum hudud tapi just becareful lah. pandai pandai memilih costume ^_^

lala boo kenal wafi yuddin ka? bagitau kan ia yg I think he's cute and I think I have a crush on him. T^T

sorry late. i'm not sure ah. tapi kenal ia arah facebook saja. inda kenal banar banar lah. awww. thats cute tapi siapa nie? and boleh ku sampai kana rah nya? kalau yes aku bagitau ia saja. heheh. minta your permission lah nie ^_^
Liked by: Jeffri Johari


Language: English