
Strawberry Fields Forever

Ask @Neo_gs

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Is it creepy for a guy to coo at a random woman's baby out at the store? Does this mean he's a creep, predator, bad news etc?

Why is it ok for a woman to do the same thing but not a man? Men can appreciate the cute and innocent nature of babies.
Liked by: Robin Hood

This chick at this coffee shop, the one who was going on about God, was like, "And then me and my mom went to IHOP and had the most amazing talk." And i was like, "Oh, you white women, you sure are crazy."

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
Did you ask if she likes a sausage in her bun....or maybe a burger?

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White women, you love saying "Amazing." Why you like this? Oh wait, you're not a white woman, Neo. But answer anyway. Give your perspective. Why white women like this?

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
I'm not sure who is saying amazing. I am a white woman now. I like to receive flowers, read Nicholas Sparks books, and drink Cosmos

Who, in your opinion, is the greatest musician that ever lived? Q2: What song best describes you?

Elvis. A pioneer of rock.
Liked by: Façade

Select Question: If, for some bizarre reason, we all had to converse on every social networking site by using our real names and pictures starting from tomorrow, would you get over it and continue, or would you move on and thus form better relationships with your offline friends?

*learns coding*
*writes macro to delete my entire internet social profile*
*runs macro*
Are you sure you want to delete?

*clicks yes*

Think I'll go to AMC tomorrow. I might give in and watch Mad Max, lol. Depends on what it's running against though.

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
imperator furiosa is really the lead and hero. Since you won't listen to my recommendation anyway, go see Aloha instead.

do you miss the cold war? those seemed like fun times.

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
In a way, yes. During that time, there were really only two sides: NATO and the Soviet Bloc. Everyone fell into one category or were irrelevant as a military threat. Now we have multiple thugs who feel they can do whatever they want. The US has lost its resolve to conquer evil.
do you miss the cold war those seemed like fun times

Question #2 - Submitted anonymously by a GSer. Name as many legendary GSers as you can. These would be people who are no longer active on GS, or in ask.fm. Use your own interpretation of the word 'legendary'. The player with the most user names wins 15 likes!

ShitGSersSay’s Profile PhotoName That GSer
Slutty Pineapple. It is rare a woman can troll so well and so hilariously.
Liked by: Name That GSer

What do you think of crazy white girls who keep going on about God, lol.

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
The women who go on about God are two types: 1. They are not going to give you sexy time no matter what you say. 2. She is so sexually repressed she is hoping for a manly man to sex her up that she passes out. Option 2 is the minority.

GAME TIME! After some feedback from our last game, here is a question which Rowdy has written. Which GSer is most likely to get into a tizzy and have a hissy fit? Feel free to nominate one male and one female GSer. 15 likes for the win!

ShitGSersSay’s Profile PhotoName That GSer
Applepop if someone accidentally releases a face hugger in her bedroom.

Take it easy. Don't let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy. So, your background photo: is that a concert you attended? Did you have glitter cleavage and dangly earrings, too?

That was Thalia Hall in Chicago seeing Lake Street Dive with my good friend September of last year. I booked a hotel for that night so we didn't have to drive home. It was a great time. The website posted the pic and my friend emailed it to me. I could actually pick out where we were standing.
If you like a bit of soul, blues, and even a tough of folk music I recommend their album "Bad Self Portraits."
It looks like you can sample the entire album on youtube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LPtYypWEyE&list=PLZKVmugaKR1VbD9nxbxysIc2A1w2IeprvNeo_gs’s Video 128693402498 6LPtYypWEyENeo_gs’s Video 128693402498 6LPtYypWEyE
The lead singer's voice is something of a blend of Etta James and Aretha Franklin.
Liked by: hXc1g

Josh Dugger, the sister-molester (19 Kids and Counting)...does anyone know what exactly he did to his sisters? What falls under "molesting" vs. rape, or attempted rape, or child sexual exploitation? Almost 4 years of GS and I still am not clear on this. Anyone know?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoPenny Lane
I don't even want to know what he did. There has to be some gossip site which would have details...maybe the daily mail?
Liked by: hXc1g

Have you ever been genuinely offended by what you saw in a movie or a TV show? If so what was it?

After reading Serena's though provoking answer, I almost don't even want to mention this (which is rather trivial). Here it goes...The move Signs by m night shamalamayan.
Ok, those aliens travel across space to Earth. They obviously have advanced technology. Yet when the family is battling with one in the house, they only have to shut some flimsy wood door and it stops the alien? A modern day infantry squad has more combat power than those "aliens." Then we have the end where the main characters find out that water is "toxic" to the aliens. So, the guy takes a baseball bat and hits glasses of water which spray the aliens with water thus killing them.
Water? Really? These aliens travel light years and don't realize the Earth is 2/3 water before they land? NASA can send little probes to Mars that searches for ice crystals in the dirt. And exactly what water level is harmful? Will they melt on a humid day in Louisiana? The air contains moisture. And if they know water harms them, why don't they wear armor to protect them? I can buy a darn fancy rain suit from LL Bean and it will keep me dry.

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Liked by: hXc1g

Based on your definition of true love (not theirs), do you think everyone you've loved romantically has truly loved you back? Or did they have their own agenda?

Honestly, I'm not even sure I have an internal definition of true love. I suppose one woman did honestly love me. Another one loved the concept of me. Then there are 4 that want to hold me, 3 that want to stone me, and 1 says she's a friend of mine.
Liked by: hXc1g Penny Lane

Apparently the Rolling Stones are going to have an opening act, Kid Rock. The last 2 times I've seen them they didn't have an opener. When tickets went on sale, there was no mention of an opener. Q1. Have I been cheated, as in more Kid = less Mick? Q2. Your opinion of Kid Rock?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoPenny Lane
I don't think opening acts reduce the time/quality of the main act. If you wanted to get technical, you could try to find the set lists on some fan site. Then compare those to the set list of a concert they are doing this tour without an opening act.
Q1. Probably not...except by their age and the energy they will have to put into a show.
Q2. I wanna be a cowboy baby! I like a few of his songs. If he did only 30 minutes, that would be tolerable.
If you want, you can opt out of the opening act. Just show up 40 minutes after the start time and you'll be able to get to your seat during the intermission. Opening acts don't go over 45 minutes.
Liked by: hXc1g Penny Lane


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