
What Dust?

Ask @Neo_gs

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What are some bands/performers whom you enjoyed as a kid whose music as aged very well, and what are some of the same that has not?

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
Van Morrison...though he is definitely on the decline now.
I like AC/DC, but there was a big stretch in the 90's/2000's when they weren't too good. Then Black Ice came out and all was good in the world of hard rock.

What are some dreams you had as a child, and even throughout your teenage years, that you decided were no longer worth pursuing or you lost interest in it? On the other hand, how many things have you stuck to all throughout your life?

That has been so long ago I don't even remember. I did think it would have been awesome to be a helicopter pilot, especially military from seeing videos of the UH-1's in Vietnam footage. My eyes weren't good enough for flight school. Learning that stuff on one's own would be expensive. That all just faded away.
Liked by: Thomas Apoc

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Would anti-feminist/MRA men and women be happy if they just changed the title of the VAWA to "Violence Against Humans Act"? I mean, anything to get the attention off "women" right?

How about we be rid of it completely? We already have laws on the books against crime and violence.
Liked by: Thomas

So, what's next for MRAs and their war against women and gays now that the whole conference thing/controversy is over? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/29/mens-rights-conference_n_5405300.html Maybe they would have better luck in a conservative state like say, Texas? ahhahahahxD

The trouble that brewed from all the feminists with their extremist tactics and threats served as a fine example of what the feminists really want: domination.
Liked by: Façade Thomas

Movie you'd like to see "rebooted"? Not remade. But rebooted with new actors and stories to be told. Sorta like the new Bond movies but still pay homage to the source material. They have rebooted "The Evil Dead Trilogy" and now are doing "Mad Max".

AspiringHousewife’s Profile Photoтeмple
Very few reboots ever turn out well. The Bond one is a good example and the new Star Trek. Total Recall was awful. The Freddy and Jason reboots were ok, but didn't have the same feel as the old ones...just updated special effects.
It would be nice of Alien could be re-booted, but it would be hard to come close to what Ridley Scott or even James Cameron did.
Liked by: Thomas тeмple

let's say your mom was a bit of a groupie back in the day and you're the result of one of her drunken backstage conquests. therapy bills aside, which rock/rap star is most likely to be your father and why?

Paul McCartney
All young women and girls seemed to be have the Beatles fever back then.
Liked by: Thomas scabs

Do you ever get a sense of self loathing or self hatred? Wishing you weren't so horrible and that you were just gone? How often does this happen?

Nope. This doesn't happen to me.
Liked by: Thomas Apoc

nice background, do you like sharks? I love sharks

I like sharks. They are such a ideal species that they are almost the same as they were 10's of thousands of years ago.
Liked by: Thomas

My daughter is a pure, innocent, delicate little flower. She will remain virginal until her wedding night with Gun Fanatic. If you lay a finger on her you will be sorry. I am a very important man. I am watching you motherfucker.

Oops, too late
Liked by: Thomas

My panties blew off the washing line and now these kids a few houses away from me have made a den with them.

I bet the army can use them as a tent for a whole platoon
Liked by: Thomas Yeilyn

I thought I would masturbate with a mint Cornetto and now it's stuck. I think I have a Capri Sun up there as well. Should I dial 911? I just love it when food and sex combine themselves but I got all carried away.

Do not use objects with possible sharp edges...no juice packs.
Liked by: Thomas Yeilyn

What are you looking at? You like to look? Huh? Wanna look at me, that it?

You have some jelly dried on your face from your morning toast and jelly.
Liked by: Thomas Yeilyn

What more can all of us do to help our feminist brothers and sisters in India? The misogyny in that country needs to be eradicated, as women and gays are consistently being oppressed on the daily. So what can we do to help them without being too intrusive on their culture?

All of the feminists in the US can move over there and fight the good fight. We don't need them in the US anymore. Instead of fighting in areas of real abuse against women, they prefer to push for new privileges in a developed country like the US
Liked by: Thomas

So what do you guys think about the Michael Brown incident? Unarmed teen was shot several times after surrendering, with his hands up. I'm not entirely sure why he was stopped to begin with though. Anyway, he's dead now, and there's a lot of news about it, even in Canada. Thoughts?

There needs to be a full investigation of this incident. "Eye Witnesses" have been know to be unreliable. That being said, the concept of the police policing the police is not good. If a cop does something bad/dirty, his/her cop buddies are likely to help cover it up. Punishment is often lenient.
Liked by: Thomas What

Does this model have a case for being "face-raped" by a Burger King ad? Is she out of line for referring to it as "rape" or does she have a case? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2ePS90LZvE

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoDust Repellent
Whiny bitch? She is paid to have photos taken. She signs contracts/waivers such that the modeling company can sell the image as they see fit. If she didn't want such a thing, then she should have put in the contract that her images is not to be used in any sexual way, including sexual innuendo.
Liked by: Dust Repellent

Okay, so the overwhelming feedback I had about the shock collars was a "no-go". lol. Y'all are no fun!! I don't think there would be anything wrong with shocking the fire out of men that abuse women and gays. So, what should be done about abusive men then(the question isn't about abused men)??

If people can't accept the brilliance of shock collars, then doodie on them!
Feed abusive men estrogen. Bartenders can put it in their beer. That will calm them down and they might even grow boobs they can play with.
Liked by: Thomas

What do you think of the Nature vs. Nurture argument regarding mentally ill people? Are they born that way, or can they gain the illness as they live on? More specifically, what do you think of sociopaths? Are they born that way or do they learn to be that way?

I think there are some people just born bad. That isn't too many though, in my opinion. I'd say overall it is 20% nature and 80% nurture.
Liked by: Apoc Thomas

How do you normally spend your weekends? Do you stay up late or stay no schedule? Do you think you could spend time doing something more productive than you normally do?

I usually hit the clubs on a Friday night at the nearby college to pick up a cute college girl. About half the time it works out. Then I have to spend Sat morning trying to get her out of my house. They get so clingy when I show them a good time in bed.
Ok, that doesn't happen. Usually hit the gym Fri night and play some group sports. Then do some socializing with the guys. When it is warm out, I like to browse the farmer's market. Saturday is "chore day." Sunday tends to be relax day, maybe go to a matinee.
Liked by: Apoc Thomas


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