
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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I accidentally sip spoiled milk right now .. am I going to die?

No. One little sip shouldn’t hurt you. Even if you had drunk a lot. It’ll just give you a belly ache, diarrhea, and maybe you’ll vomit. That’s it.
Liked by: † Twix †

Why do most women think men have it better but it actually women who it better ? There 30 advantages to be female. There are zero advantages to be male.

I think guys have it better when it comes to certain things. Walking around with no shirt on, pee standing up, don’t have to birth a child, or have a period. Things like that in those perspectives. Men have it easier than women. As far as a certain lifestyle. I say women get judged far less harsh than men and that’s sad. People think women are so innocent and that’s not the case. Women are sneaky little 🤬and all this is coming from a female. If I was a male, I’ll be gay.
Liked by: † Twix †

understand this: the insults, judgements and shade people attempt to throw your way are actually projections of their own insecurities and are completely irrelevant to you and your life

Oh thank you. I really needed that. ❤️
Liked by: † Twix †

What's one thing that makes you think the most?

Right now it’s me vs me, so I’m more focused on myself than I ever was. It’s been like that for a few years now, but negativity and jealousy tries to get in my way. Just because I’m more into myself and want to better myself more than anything else. People want to sit up and think I’m jealous of them, because I’m more in tune with myself. That tells me they think they’re all high and mighty. I don’t have time for self praisers. They need to step down off that high horse. Others care less about the things you do, or have, or whatever. They’re more concerned about themselves and want to work on themselves. Just like I heard someone on Twitter say. “Why do I care about who’s doing better than me? I’m doing better than I was doing before. It’s literally me verses me. That hit it right on the nail for me. So jealousy is on their end and they think I should feel jealous too. Yeah…. No…. There’s nothing to be jealous of. I do believe people full of hate, anger, and just disobedience deserves tough times, but it’s usually the other way around. How sad. Anyway, that’s what I’m thinking about. Sorry for all the typing.

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Liked by: Ray † Twix †

Do you always try to be nice?

Yes I do. I’m only stuck up to those that act the same way towards me. I’m not going to try to get on their good side. I just ignore them. I have no time for people’s anger and selfish issues.
Liked by: † Twix †

Are you a naturally friendly person?

Yes I am and I’m naturally going to tell you the truth about yourself too if I know you. I don’t bite my tongue, and I want the same thing in return. I don’t like ear ticklers. I like truth tellers.
Liked by: † Twix †


Language: English