
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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A relationship is 100/100 only 50/50 when you get a divorce

Giving and taking is a 50/50 thing in a relationship. You give 50 they give back 50. That makes 100% both are working together. A divorce is a 100/0 thing. She most likely will walk away with everything and leave him with nothing.
Liked by: † Twix †
+2 answers in: “If a man truly loves a women she shouldn’t have to ask he should already COMMIT DO EVERYTHING WITHOUT QUESTION.. off the muscle! Then she’ll easily follow because she trusts him.. Balance relationship.”

What holiday or holy day is best practiced in your home town or home?

Pretty much all holidays and holy days in my home, except for Halloween. In my neighborhood. I believe it’s all holidays.
Liked by: † Twix †

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I work in service industry and unfortunately deal with a lot of those entitled folks on a daily basis. I've not seen my parents since march due to my mom having cancer and my father with his own health issues. I have a lot of older/immunocompromised friends and for me it is heartbreaking to see

I’m so sorry you have to be around those human petri dishes. I too have a family member that has autoimmune deficiency and another family member that has health problems. If I was to go out and get infected than bring it home to them. I will be devastated.
Liked by: † Twix †
+1 answer in: “People whom live in western states wear bandanas and buffs for skiing in winter, and when the air quality is poor from the wildfires and/or pollution, so why is wearing a mask in general so difficult?”

What do you think about the kissing and sex scenes in the movies?

It’s way too much of it going on in the movies. It could be one of the reasons why sex and porn addiction has went up along with children having sex with children, or even adults. Did U mention rape? I feel people will still do it, but it won’t be so prevalent in the world. It could also be why most of these celebrities be getting divorces or getting in trouble with rape, or sexual harassments.
Liked by: † Twix †

If a man truly loves a women she shouldn’t have to ask he should already COMMIT DO EVERYTHING WITHOUT QUESTION.. off the muscle! Then she’ll easily follow because she trusts him.. Balance relationship.

Yes I agree totally. A relationship is about giving and taking 50/50. He/she should not have to be asked “do you love me?” The proof is in the pudding. If you love me. You must prove you do, and it can be the littlest things. Like knowing my favorite cereal, taking out the trash without being asked, cooking sometimes, sitting back and just conversing with me and cleaning up without being asked. The smallest things. I don’t want no flowers, candy, jewelry, money, definitely not sex to prove it. That’s not proof enough for me. Strangers on the streets give away those things to each other. It has be what a stranger would never know/give to another stranger.
Liked by: † Twix †
+2 answers Read more

People whom live in western states wear bandanas and buffs for skiing in winter, and when the air quality is poor from the wildfires and/or pollution, so why is wearing a mask in general so difficult?

I guess people that don’t live in those regions aren’t used to it, but they would eventually get used it. I did. I also think it’s because some people. (Not all) just don’t care about others. They most likely care less about themselves as well, thus the reason why they have little care for others. I know the mask isn’t 100% effective, but it helps quite a bit. I wear mines with humbling, dignity when I’m around others in public. Did you hear about some idiots shot up a strip club, because they were denied access with no face mask? Like seriously? How stupid can people be? It’s a mask. Not a micro chip being planted in your wrist. These pervs just wanted to just start mess. They probably have the virus and want to spread their nastiness to others. I feel it should be a law just like AIDS. If you know you’re infected and you purposely go out and get around others. That should be listed as attempted murder. If that person actually dies from it. The infected should get 25 to life in prison. Only if they know for sure that they got it and care less about other people’s well being. Including their own family.

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❌ the last question. Has 2020 been a great year to you and why ?

Yes and of course no. Some things in my personal life went well and there’s society of course and just all the malarkey that went on and most of these problems will most likely enter into 2021.
Liked by: † Twix †

Avoid fearful people, fearful make fearful people, you don’t want to end up a fearful soul!

Yes true. We all were born with no fear. Fear was put in us through our elders. Parents, older siblings. Just older people in general. I agree 100%
Liked by: † Twix †


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