
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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Does anyone else have questions sitting from over 20+ days ago? I feel like I can not answer things quickly enough.

No, but I’ve been getting some questions that was posted over 20+ days ago. Some even longer. I’m getting Halloween questions. I delete most of them, because they’re old. Some I don’t know if they’re old, so I may answer them and may get a reply stating that that’s an old question. Shoot, ASKfm is trippin’.
Liked by: † Twix †

What's more important? What we become or how we become it?

I believe how we become it. Some people do some hellish things to get where they are. What’s the point to gaining the world, but losing your soul in the process?
Liked by: † Twix †

Lets see how far this shoutouts will go. I’m in Makkah- Saudi Arabia. What about you?

I live in North America. I think that most users on here are from North America.
Liked by: † Twix †

Have you ever had a crush on one of your teachers?

Nope. I had a crush on a janitor in my elementary school. I had mostly all female teachers in elementary and high school. In elementary school. My fourth grade teacher was handsome, but he was old though. Like maybe in his mid 40s. I never had a crush on him. I just thought he was handsome for his age. I had one male teacher in high school. I had no crush on him whatsoever. Not enough male teachers for me, so no lustful crushes.
Liked by: † Twix †

Ever had people do evil/hateful or spiteful things to you,and they thought you never knew about it until you been looking over them about it to keep a friendship?

I had that problem with a family member, but I got back at him though.
Liked by: † Twix †

What is the word for women who hate all men except her husband ? I have met women like this. They get mad when you call them "babe". They will call the police on you for the slightest reason. They get mad when you talk to them or look at them

Maybe because they are married and don’t want to upset their husband, or maybe because they secretly like you and can’t be with you because they’re married. It can also be that they hate the fact that you’re calling them “babe” and they’re married. They feel you’re trying to hit on them and or you’re disrespecting them. I’m not even married and hate the word “babe” “shorty” and “Lil mama.” From a stranger. Next time you see any woman. Don’t call her those stupid pet names. Just call her Ma’am, Ms, Miss, or Mrs. Maybe they will respond with better manner towards you.
Liked by: † Twix †

Is eBay trustworthy for buying Computers, Gaming consoles, or phone from a 100% reliable vendor?

I never bought a used technology devices on there. Only used games for my game consoles. I haven’t had any problems with them. I always choose a reliable seller with a mostly positive reviews. I also make sure they have some really good stock photos up as well. I’ve bought a used iPhone from Amazon. It works perfectly.
Liked by: † Twix †

Shoutout. I wear a mask protect myself from people who cant seem to figure out how to cover their face when they sneeze. But the idea to wear a mask in a car? Those people (in my mind) are the reason there are directions on a pop-tart box. 🙂🙃 What's your opinion?

I wear a mask because most people act like they can’t. Is far as people wearing a mask in their car, or even outside of the house and there’s no one around but them is weird to me. Last time I checked. The air isn’t contaminated with the virus. Only the human Petri dishes.
Liked by: † Twix †


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