
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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《 shoutout 》 what's your go to fast food place ?

heyitzlauren’s Profile Photolauren
I’m not a fast food eater, but if I was to choose a restaurant to eat out at, it’ll be something like Panda Express, Chipotle, and Boston Market.

What soda pop do you like better, Coke or Fanta Orange?

Brian Guertler
I don’t drink pops, but if I was to choose between the two, it’ll be Fanta Orange over Coke. I definitely don’t drink anything with caffeine in it. For me, caffeine and anxiety doesn’t mix. Pops in general is something I don’t like drinking at all though.

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How many times do you play a song over.

It can be almost up to two hours, if the song is in my head and or if I really like the song. If I want to learn the song, it can be about 45 minutes a day for about 3 days. It depends on how hard it is for me to understand the lyrics. It can be less, or more.
Liked by: † Twix †

Pick one. Diamonds or gold?

Some Guy
They say Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Me being a female, that isn’t always true. Diamonds to me is just something that’s going to either get stolen, or rust overtime when I’m gone. In other words, I’m not a materialistic female. Diamonds and gold means nothing to me.
Liked by: † Twix †

How much have you changed since high school?

Personality, a whole lot. I’m not that selfish little brat anymore who think the world should revolve around me. I still have that I don’t care attitude, but back then, it was more of a I don’t care about the future. Whatever happens, happens type thing. Right now, it’s more of a I don’t care about what others think of me, if they’re doing better than me, or if they have more than me. Well I didn’t care about that back then either. I was always the type of person that did me and me only. I have became self aware. I’m a kid at heart and enjoy things like bike riding, video games, playing basketball, skateboarding, skating, going to Six Flags, etc. I don’t care for bars and clubs. I wanted to do those things when I was in high school though, but I guess the older I got, I became an introvert and don’t want to be around a crowd of people.

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Liked by: † Twix †

Are you into crystals??

I really don’t know. They’re pretty, but I never had any. I see on YouTube a lot of people do collect them, but I play and collect video games right now. I honestly don’t collect anything else, because I don’t have the space for it.
Liked by: † Twix †

Why is it that when i pass by.. a dude always gotta look at my b00ty? And sometimes they even get B0ners?

Because those dudes are perverts and only want one thing. Ignore them.
Liked by: † Twix †

How did you know it was love and not lust?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
When you can put up with them, washing their underwear, cook, clean, and keeping them company. Like laughing and talking to one another. More cuddling than sex, always got each other’s back through thick and thin, and always there when you need them to be.
Liked by: † Twix †


Language: English