
Rachel Alvarez

How did you meet your best friend?

Different stories...
Camila: I went to a birthday of one of my little cousins (I didn't wanted to go but mom made me) so at the end, I saw this girl that was about my age (that was about 5 years ago), so I talked to her, and we had things in common, and then we found out that we were cousins... So yayy, best cousin ever ahaha
Miriam: My neighbor had move to another place, so I didn't wanted to go out anymore cause I didn't know any one else. One day, mom said that there were 2 new girls in the neighbourhood, so I went with her, and since that day Miriam and I got really close and yeah, now I love her like a sister.
Desiree: Oh God... I remember that when I met her, I thought she was really crazy.. And she is. Well, I met her because I went to a summer camp, and we had A LOT, literally everything, in common. And we started talking more and more, and now we tell each other secrets and ask each other for advices and stuff. I love dat biatch. She's crazy, but that's what makes her special hahaha
And that's it haha

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Language: English