

Ask @ShaofHappiness

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Are you a hypochondriac? You seem to have many psychological and physical disorders judging by social media feeds. Nothing wrong with it just curious if you are. My brother was the same way.

Nope. All documented. Come over, I'll show you all the papers. I have complications from epilepsy and some other issues I don't feel like disclosing at this time, but tldr - my nerves are hella fried in certain areas. I speak about it because I know so many people who are afraid of judgement so they don't speak.

Why are you so nice to people?

I am an optimist because pessimism frightens me. I'm also Buddhist and was taught to seek the goodness in all people.

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How difficult was it to start tweeting selfies, using your name at first? Any regrets?

Sean Milligan
I knew the second I went to BlizzCon and revealed myself, someone would realize and out myself. at times I regret it, others - no. it's given me a lot of confidence to be able to post selfies because for the longest time, I truly hated myself and didn't think I was worthy of friends/affection.

If you don't date can we go straight to snuggling together with our pets? :3

Depends on who you are :p

You're so wonderful <3 I would love to ask you out.

I don't really date tbh. But thank you. :)

How do you know that you're in love?

I don't think I've ever been in love, but any time I decide that I want a relationship, I like to try to see if I have a future with said partner. I don't date for flings' sake.

What advice would you give a male that believes he is not loveable, likeable or worth a darn?

It starts with you. Even if it feels ridiculous, take some time in the day to look in the mirror and high five yourself. Gain confidence. Win at life!

You're my hero and saved me from depression awhile back. Thanks!

You're very welcome. <3 Keep in touch!

How can you be so pretty AND so awesome at the same time?

I don't feel pretty tbh. It's more learning how to makeup and things like that more than anything. And as much as I want to own up to being awesome, it's the people around me that make me better and inspire me daily.
But thank you for the compliments. :)

This may have been asked before, but.. do you have any advice for someone dealing with heavy depression?

Understand this:
It probably seems like a dark and stormy night -
with a life raft that you're uncertain will weather the magnificent waves...
Keep swimming and hold onto faith
Because soon, you'll see the shore
And I'll be the light house.
Never give up on hope

Are you having a wonderful day?

I went to class, and my teacher noticed that I seemed so much more happy. 6 days off of my anti anxiety medication, and still feeling wonderful. :)

Does the constant tragedy of current events ever make you want to turn off twitter, curl up in a ball under the covers with your dog, and just pretend like you and your blanket fort are all of reality in existence? Because I often do.

Who says I don't? :p

Do you have a large writing projects your looking forward to or really want to start?

I've been writing essays, and I think it's time for me to concentrate on my narrative and like, actually focus on cranking more of my life out in text form. I know I've lived a "fascinating" life.

What is something frustratingly difficult to explain in English that you can explain in Japanese simply? and visa versa?

We have more words to describe things in nature. My favourite word is "komorebi" - or the light that gently comes through between trees/leaves.
The subtle nuance is also a curse - I tend to be really blunt in English because speaking English like I would Japanese is confusing.


Language: English