

Ask @ShaofHappiness

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Is there anything in your life that you would say is missing?

If I knew that I was missing something, I'd chase after it. I'm content.

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What is the least number of people that need to be in a room such that there is greater than a 50% chance that at least two of the people have the same birthday?

There is a reason why I went into Linguistics and Education and not a math related field.
Liked by: Razboom Crankshaft

What you like more, hc grinding raids and dungeons or roleplaying just socialising in WoW? Progress or friends?

Flying around in circles, on a magic carpet ride.
Liked by: LunarC

What do you notice when you walk into someone's home for the first time?

If they have food or not. I love food.

What is your guilty pleasure music? Music that you're a bit embarrassed to admit, but it's just so feel good? :3

I really don't have guilty pleasure music. Spice girls?

What do you do when you get depressed? How do you handle it when you just completely hate yourself? How do you cope?

I listen to music that matches how I'm feeling. For me, there's always a root issue and a trigger. I meditate and think about what happened to make my thoughts go in that direction, then write about it.

How many language do you speak? Sarcasm is not a language.

3 fluently, about two more at a kindergarten level. I can comprehend a lot more.
Liked by: LunarC

Why do you get all the love in the world?

I'd like to think I work hard at sharing and spreading, too~ ♥

What part of Pandaria do you most prefer to live in?

Halfhill, ofc! ♥ Lots and lots of foooooood!!!!!!

Is it hard to be happy allday?

Sometimes, when I see the strife... I weep. I weep because I know Azeroth is hurting. I can -feel- it. I weep because I know that people hurt. I carry these memories in my heart because I can't remain ignorant of the things that go on in my world. It's not doing the world justice...
BECAUSE I know of these things, I comprehend the reasons why there must be light within - the people, the world, anything. Nobody can be purely dark, or purely light. Nothing is 100% Dark/Light. To truly understand yourself is to know this.
With all this said; I strive to be the pocket of light, a Sanctuary where you can rest your weary self. Our history (I've talked to some other Lorewalkers) shows that there are entities that are similar to me; A'dal, Alexstrasza, Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, Broxigar... All these people (and more!) care for Azeroth (Outlands), and sacrificed so much to protect us. All honourable, noble beings that have earned respect. I'm not egotistical to think that I'm as "good" as they are, but I aspire and strive to follow in their footsteps.
I'll bring cookies, and I promise to listen... and I promise you my life, that I will be here so we can talk about stuffs and giggle and laugh... and be happy!

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Who of the other Shas do you like the most?

I love all of my siblings! (even when they can be meanies to me...)


Language: English