

Ask @ShaofHappiness

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Would you pose for (or enjoy your character in) a Steamy Romance Novel cover? If so, what kind of pose and how scantily clad would you be?

A Steamy Romance Novel: Fifty Shades of Sha
A Steamy Romance Novel: The Sha That Touched Me
A Steamy Romance Novel: The Warlock, the Druid, and the Summoning Portal
Liked by: Rakael Towers

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Should Garrosh been delt with as Blackhand was during the second war, dragged through the streets and thrown into prision?

[IC] I am of the belief that he should atone for his wrongdoings to Azeroth herself. Some day, justice will be brought.
Liked by: Krysta Mewes

Are you planning to get a Christmas tree this year? What kind of topper are you planning to put on it?

Sha family usually tops a random tree with booze bottles, ngl. >_>

What Story or Character that made you have the most Feels/Sadness in WoW?

Seeing my guildmate Kimilyn being immortalized in Ashran and wrecking faces with her again? PRICELESS. #ForKimi

Whats the best non-lethal way for me to gain superpowers like you?

Have faith in your heart
Have trust in your comrades
And believe that anything is possible
Just find a way.

Why don't you have a patreon for your stream?

I feel that this is really weird.
1. I don't do streams that much.
2. I only stream for charity related things, or if I'm bored.
3. I'd feel too awkward and obligated.

Who has been the most important person in your life?

I have always thought that there's a time and place for everyone, and there's a natural order. All friendships have meaning - and it's up to the individual to fight to keep them, but it's also up to the individual to determine the lines of the boundaries, and evaluate whether it's saner to keep them in your life or let go.
With that said, right now? Probably my dad. My health struggles and the fights I'm currently having, he's been the second in command. Alongside him, the family of , and my friends online that help me separate from RL.

A scientist walks up to you and gives you an injection. You are immediately knocked out and wake up in a lab with a myrid of animals. They tell you that you are to be a human test subject and combined with an animal. Given a choice which animal do you choose? Why?

a bird of some sort. ospreys are pretty :o

Do you ever wish you could still portray "Shappi" the twitter persona from the earlier days?

yeah, those were the good ol' days, wasn't it?
when it was just cute emoji and cute sayings...
i don't regret the evolution to let her become me, but if i can do it over again...
i don't know how i'd make it work.


Language: English