

Ask @ShaofHappiness

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Do you always smile for pictures?

I prefer to be the person behind the camera, but I've been working on that with taking selfies. I try to smile and most of the time, it does work.
Liked by: Tycer

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What's the latest project you're working on?

Rakael Towers
I just finished my first VAMP piece. It's something a friend of mine wrote, and I created visuals to go along with her story.

Do you have any strange phobias?

Ocean, live fish, octopi (I worked at a place where I butchered them, and to see it wiggle after it was dead was horrifying) - which is hella dumb, considering I've lived on islands the majority of my life!

When you feel lonely and no one is around/available what do you do?

Brood and PVP. Preferably with a nice cold beer in hand.

Who has been the most important person in your life?

I cannot rationally declare only one person. My father's top, but there's people like my friend in insomnia, who I level characters with at weird hours of the day, who's also a genuinely good person and I adore her very much. Like a sister.
There's also Terran and Shadorbs, who are the cutest thing ever. Nox/Glar, countless people who love me and I need to remember that.

What is the worst gift you have ever received?

I give you a memory.
For military kids, turning 10 is a rite of passage, and my father was deployed yet again. Not his fault, though. I brought home a bad test score, and Mum cancelled all celebrations "to teach me a lesson" but allowed me to get a box mix of brownies to bake myself a cake.
The bitterness of the brownies, memories, self loathing, and irrational hatred is the worst gift, I think.

How can you talk so openly about your depression/bipolar?

Because if I don't talk about it, numerous others that are struggling also don't know there's someone right there with them.
Because if I don't talk about it, the bad chemicals win.
Because if I don't talk about it, I drown with negativity.
Someone once said I was their role model, because of how open I am, and that they've seeked assistance with their depression when they were at their apex of wanting to self harm...
I've lost so many people because they chose their exit. I struggle daily with thinking about things like that, but ultimately will fight and conquer this depression/bipolar disorder. I know I am loved. But the brain and the heart are disconnected and reboot's taking a while. My heart understands the love. My brain doesn't. I think that's the easiest way of putting it?
Liked by: misandry princess

What motivates you?

As strange as it seems, fear. I don't want to die without making my life count, so minute by minute I work at and with myself to better small things, and create a ripple effect.

How ambitious are you?

I'm pretty vanilla. I tried something new food wise, and went to a convention effectively alone this past week and that's enough fun for a few weeks.

How do you surprise other people?

I don't surprise people much, but I usually make music or surprise them with something they wanted.

share any experiences where you've been bullied for liking anime

I can't really help you here because I don't watch much tbh

are you ok after everything in the last week or so ? im worried

I don't know how to truthfully answer that. I'm -going- to be okay, that's for certain.

How do you handle heartbreak?

A lot of alcohol, tears, bubble baths, and best friends. Only one affected me so devastatingly but it's because five years is a lot of time to devote to someone.

What are your thoughts on how Kairozdormu's story was executed?

While I like the uniqueness of the questline, I feel that it's a mighty disservice to have relegated important scenes to the book instead of the game.


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