

Ask @ShaofHappiness

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Are you dating anyone?

Depends on your definition of dating. I'm enjoying a few flings here and there. :) I'm loved. I'm happy.

Do you ever wish you had a button that would turn off the internet for all of the creepers who believe that your public existence entitles them to friendship - or more?

They have a right to exist on this earth.
I have a right to block and protect myself.

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What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

I have a lot of anxiety. Every word I speak is fighting with my anxiety.

Sometimes I worry hearing you talk about applying for jobs (yay!), but then doing things like posting cleavage shots on your Twitter. :( Are you aware that may be potentially hurting your chances for employment by posting those sorts of things? -From a Concerned Friend

Your concerns are heard, but I'm aware of what I'm doing, thanks! And besides, I'd think any potential employer would be more concerned with the panty discussions or other dirty shit I talk about on occasion.
Liked by: Dnomyar Serephita

Thank you for being you. How do you smile through all the shit you've seemingly went through?

Because you have a choice. I can choose to let my depression and all my other things overwhelm me (and yea, there are days that I don't get out of bed) but I'm learning every day. I'm not trying to bypass my bipolar, but taking a step back and breathing helps a lot in my pursuit for happiness.
I remember wishing for someone who can relate to all my shit.
I speak because otherwise, who else would? Best wishes, friend. <3

Where would you find your heart if you realized it was missing?

I look upon the shining faces of my loved ones and realize my heart lives within all of them, too.
Liked by: Hestiah Ravenwood

What was your best birthday?

21. I was in Disneyland, right after BlizzCon and I got BLITZED... on three and a half glasses of various wines. >_>

Would you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the Internet?

I have. It worked okay-ish for a while.

If you had to re-live the same moment over and over again for eternity, what moment of your life would you pick?

When I woke up from after ODing and having everyone's face smile and be relieved that I lived another day.
Liked by: Kyrae Jenkins

How often do you use your brain?

Probably not often enough, but it's the little brain that could! :p

I don't technically know really who else to ask and you always seem to have a good idea on these type of things, but I have a slight problem... a friend of mine who hates their life and feels like dying is looking to kill themselves in a few months. Any advice for them to take to heart or to help?

The way I see suicide? Suicide is an escape from something. Try to see if your friend will talk to you, but first and foremost - tell them you love them and will never give up.

How did you and Nika Harper meet?

Twitter. I'm blissfully unawares of anything other than Blizzard (at that time) so she was just someone who played along with the RP. Lots of missing each other at parties until we met at SDCC and got to talk irl. She is a great friend and she helped me by just being there in my low times, and I love her because she's my ohana... and I think it's sweet that my dad cares about my friends, too.

What's the song you've got playing on repeat or that makes you turn the radio up when it comes on at the moment?

Depends on my mood - but right now, seems like Cobrastyle by Robyn's been on loop
Liked by: Ambermist


Language: English