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What can you think about for hours?

Not a whole lot. My thinking is rather locomotive - I start with an idea and it kind of wanders off on it's own.

What’s the most movie like thing you’ve experienced

A good number of things in my life could be movie like, if movies were more story driven and not that exciting.

If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask?

People don't have the answers I really want.

If you continuously strip an individual of the elements that make up their person -- physically, parts of their bodies such as limbs, reproductive organs • psychologically, their consciousness and free will, etc. -- at what point, if ever, do they stop being human?

DomUnleashed’s Profile PhotoDom
There really isn't a single point, but typically when the process known as "life" ceases.

Tell about your favorite teacher!

High School English/Creative writing teacher. She was friendly, laid back, but made us nerds want to write stuff. She was younger (maybe late 20's, early 30's) and married to my (well, I had him for three of my four years) math teacher (who was my second favorite).

Last person you texted?

Depends on what you mean by "texted". I sent my the person shopping my groceries last weekend a message when they were shopping my online order, but I sent my boss a message on Microsoft Teams about an hour ago, and a message through Hangouts to my son this morning.


Language: English