

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Say that people in the future will spend a lot of their time in virtual reality and everyone has their own unique playable avatar. If you were to take part, how'd you make yourself look like in the digital world? What'd you wear etc.? 🧙‍♂️🧛‍♀️🧝‍♀️👨‍🚀

I'd be a better version of myself.

Do you ever dream of winning a lottery? What would you do with your millions?

Get out of debt, buy some things, invest heavily in retirement.

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Do you ever feel happy about the choices you've made in your life?

I'm usually satisfied with my choices. I don't tend to make then lightly.

What did you do last weekend?

Updated the valve in my shower and put in new shower fixtures. I also did some yard work.

If you had the power to read someone’s mind, whose would it be? ??

Only one person's? I don't know. I might pass on that power.

Only some of us are able to follow our heart. This is what makes people happy. Are you happy?

I am relatively satisfied.

If you could make an addition to your current home, no matter how realistic it was, what'd you add? Go crazy if you feel like it! 🏠⛲📽🎨🖼🎡

I'd add a gymnasium to it. Full basketball court, weight room, maybe an indoor pool and indoor track. That kind of thing.

Choose: Burn the roof of your mouth or get a papercut on your finger?

Paper cut. I can put a bandaid on my finger if it bothers me, but I can't do that to the roof of my mouth.

Advance do you invent if combined, would run away if a girl smiles at home country has seen?

Not sure what you are asking.

If you could turn into any animal at will, in what situations do you think you'd use that power? What animals would you turn into then? 🦅🐀🐻🐊

I would want to be an animal that can travel easier than I can as a human, and I'd use it that way. Some kind of bird, probably, like a crow or hawk (that's fairly higher on the food chain and fairly common).

You have any cool pictures you've taken of buildings / cityscapes in general? 🏙📸 You mind showcasing one? 😊

I don't take a lot of pictures, and even less of architecture.

Have you ever liked someone & never told them? Why?

Assuming you mean "want to date" kind of like, then yes I have. In some cases it was because I was young and afraid of being hurt in a relationship. Other times because the person was married or in a committed relationship already.

Where is the worst place you could get stuck?

Between a rock and a hard place is pretty bad, from what I hear.


Language: English