

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Do you watch tv ?

I watch some shows, but on my computer mostly. The only time I have the TV on a TV station is I listen to the news when I take a nap.

Are you okay ?

Other than some lower back issue from working on resurfacing my deck this week, I'm OK.

Only some of us are able to follow our heart. This is what makes people happy. Are you happy.

I am not unhappy. I like my life for the most part, and my job, and my hobbies and my family. I can't see going through life like some people seem to hating all of that stuff. Being actually happy is too high of an energy state for me to maintain though.

What would be the eleventh commandment you would introduce in the Bible?

Thou shalt not... believe things without good cause, rape, or own human beings as property, are what immediately come to mind.

Where was the most inappropriate / most embarrassing place you’ve farted?😂

I'm pretty sure I let one go that I shouldn't have in a job interview once.

Do you care about being left on read?

Depends on what it was about. Usually, I don't pay attention to the status of a message after I send it. If I need to know sooner I'll reach out via other means if I don't hear back.

Would you raise your child the way your parents raised you?

Mostly, yes, but with some changes. I'm more involved with my kids day to day stuff than my dad was mine. I think my parents did a good job with me, and I strive to be even better for my kids.

What are your thoughts on people who sell pictures of their feet for money? One girl sold so many pictures and videos of her feet that she paid off one of her college semesters.

"An it harm none, do what thou wilt."

What would you do if you woke up to find yourself alone on Earth?

Provided I have adequate supplies available for a bit, I would probably try and figure out where everyone went. Or, I would probably assume that I had gone somewhere else instead of everyone else leaving. But I would spend some time tying to let people's pets out if they were still around too.


Language: English