

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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If you’ve been with someone for 5 years and own several cats together... is it too late to leave?

It's never too late to leave if you are sufficiently motivated.

Do you like olives?

I don't eat green ones, and I will not pick black ones off pizza or salad, but I don't ask for them.

What state do you really want to visit ?

I don't "really" want to visit any state, but there are still a few I haven't been to (like most of the north-eastern ones).

Is it weird that I want to wear female cheerleader uniform if I am a boy?

It's not normal, so it could be "weird" in that sense, but it's not "wrong" like it violates some social code of conduct.

Do you think it's creepy when people keep pestering you to post selfies? Even after you said no?

I might consider it annoying (maybe even harassing if you've told them to stop), but not necessarily creepy (I'm not a fan of that term, but I know what you mean).

What is the first thing you’re going to do when COVID is over?

It may never be over, but once it's under control and we are back to more normal activities, I might go to a movie or just go walk around the local mall (if it's still open).

If you could be invisible for one day, what would you do?

Probably voyeuristic things, but I can't say for sure. Imagining it it seems like I'd be spending my time trying to figure out what happened to me.

You now have a one-time ability to talk to your 15 year old self for 60 seconds. What do you tell them?

Buy and HOLD Amazon, Steris and Bitcoin when they come out, don't sell off for 30 years at least (on the first two) like I did. If you want to retire early, save more money as soon as you have it and buy some cheaper stuff (that $500 Sony 20 inch TV didn't last as long as the $200 Magnavox one).

❌ the last question. Has 2020 been a great year to you and why ?

Not great, but not horrendous either. I'm pretty flexible (mentally) so it hasn't been that bad for me.

شو هو الشي يلي بتحسو بميّزك عن الناس ؟

الجواب الواضح هو الحمض النووي الخاص بي.


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