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Why are Americans so adamant about not wearing a mask? The air quality in some Asian countries is so poor they have had to wear masks for years!

Some people would rather shirk the responsibility that comes with being free, and others don't think they help, or maybe think they could be dangerous (mistakenly). Most Americans wear them, but we are quick to let our guard down in private spaces.
Liked by: Steven Bates

Is eBay trustworthy for buying Computers, Gaming consoles, or phone from a 100% reliable vendor?

If they are a 100% reliable vendor, then the store that you buy from them through shouldn't matter. I have never had a problem with a purchase I made on ebay, even from lesser known sellers.

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How much time do you spend on your phone a day?

Not much at all. I don't make or take many calls, and I would rather use a PC or a tablet for most web stuff.

What's your favorite thing about Christmas?

It's the time of year when a slightly smaller number of people are selfish jerks (or at least they try to be).

Don’t ridicule others just because you are ignorant of who they are.

I would agree even if you know who they are. Just don't ridicule people. Challenge their ideas, by all means, but the number of times when personal ridicule is called for are few and far between.

What can make you happy even when you are in a bad mood?

kaylaraspolich’s Profile PhotoKayla Raspolich
Nothing can make me happy when I'm in a bad mood, but bad mods are rather rare for me. For me to get there, a whole lot of things have to be wrong.

Are you excited for 2021?

Not especially. Since like, 2014/15 or so, there has been this "next year's gotta be better" vibe online that's gone south every year. In the past I was onboard somewhat, only to realize that just sets my expectations too high. 2021 could make 2020 look like a picnic for all I care, I will just take it as it comes (like I always end up doing anyway).

Is there anything you do so skillfully it’s kind of automatic? Like you can do it easily without even trying

I'm sure there are several things, but one that people might find interesting is that I am very skillful at falling down (and not getting hurt). I took some karate classes as a kid, and we spent some time on how to fall/land safely, which I spent a lot of time practicing. Not that I'm clumsy and needed it, I just thought it was neat.


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