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its similar to people residing in the project's. marginal tax rateincreases as income increases.Marginal tax ratesare separated by income levels into seventaxbrackets.

So, no, then. It's a system that levies a higher rate on dollars earned over a certain amount. You can read about it here - https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marginaltaxrate.asp As for the US, the highest marginal rates came in the 20 years after WWII, with a top rate of 91/92%, and look how the US economy did during that era. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_taxation_in_the_United_States
+4 answers in: “Do you believe the wealthy will create more jobs for locals if they have to pay more in taxes or will they farm the work out to other countries, again?”

agree with u 100 percent however it does matter bc ppl structure their whole belief system off of it.

Well, by "it doesn't matter", I mean that in terms of fiction can be any way that it wants to be. If the people were real, there are more mundane causes of Mary appearing to be a virgin (though, the virgin idea is likely a mistranslation of almah - a young girl). There is no way to come to a logical conclusion from the story itself, but I can tell you that since the wise men showed up after the birth, they are unlikely to be the dad.
+1 answer in: “Please use logic snd facts when answering the question... I wanna know who really impregnated the Virgin Mary? Was it one the wise men?”

My boyfriend just checked messages 2 hours ago on hangouts. Is that called he was active 2 hours ago? Yes or no

It would probably show him as active for that time, yes.

Taxes: unemployment; Mediical; Building; 401K. liability, etc. Pay a high school drop out $15 that could care less about the opportunity OR hire Mr. Patel, who has 2 masters degrees, will get no benefits and be delighted to work for $8 an hour. because $8 there is equivalent to $35 here.

I know what taxes are, but that doesn't answer the question. Your examples fly in the face of your own argument. Besides having a relatively facile understanding of economics, you can't even stay on topic. Payroll and taxes are not equivalent, nor do they function similarly with regards to economic outflows.
+4 answers in: “Do you believe the wealthy will create more jobs for locals if they have to pay more in taxes or will they farm the work out to other countries, again?”

Please use logic snd facts when answering the question... I wanna know who really impregnated the Virgin Mary? Was it one the wise men?

The most logical answer is that it's just a story and none of them were real, so it doesn't really matter.
+1 answer Read more

What’s one character’s death that broke you?

That last one I was sad to see die (but, movie and TV characters don't have that much emotional investment with me) was Black Widow in Endgame.

Does anybody else laugh when people say gossip and rumors about you but not to you ?lol

There isn't a lot of gossip about me in the world.

is that why Toyota is building a facility in Mexico? Why Verizon and T-Mobile are lining up to sign a contract with India for telephone support?

Do you think those reasons are related to taxes? Toyota also makes a fair number of vehicles in the US (in states like Ohio and Indiana, as well as California, which aren't low corporate tax states), and are you saying that Verizon and T-Mobile are signing contacts with the Indian government? How would that off-set their tax burdens?
+4 answers in: “Do you believe the wealthy will create more jobs for locals if they have to pay more in taxes or will they farm the work out to other countries, again?”

When do you usually start preparing gifts for Christmas?

I buy things for Christmas as early as the end of summer, but most of my stuff happens in the last two weeks before.

should I enjoy the good night out,or have a wonderful night inn ?

Depends on what you are doing? I'd pick the one with the lower likelihood of disease transmission.


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