

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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So you were describing a scenario where individuals all have their own motivating factors. But those motivating factors are still predictable within the scope of one’s mind based on the limited number of possible outcomes. The alcoholic wants to drink because she’s an alcoholic.

Yes, because assessments can only identify trends, they can't make predictions about people's behaviors. It's about probability, not outcomes, which is why I called them superficial. The alcoholic may not want to drink, but finds it hard to resist, and other times when they want to drink but won't (I've known people who have been alcoholics, and I've talked to them about it. Members of AA can be very open about what they go through). To say that they "want to" is an oversimplification of alcoholism. People are complex and have more motivations than just base instincts. In aggregate, we can see these trends become more pronounced as the group grows, but that doesn't mean that every rioter (for example) want to watch the world burn. We have regrets because we know better sometimes and act against our better judgments, and then we work to do better next time.

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+8 answers in: “What is the most accurate analysis someone has made of you?”

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I apologize if this is going to be personal, but it sounds as if this is a detailed elaboration to justify actions that you do not want be held acounted for. But plz provide scenarios, and I can accurately predict the path individuals will choose, as well as the reasons behind them.

It's not personal, but you keep trying to make this about me. I am not, in any way, making any kind of justifications for anything, I am merely trying to get you to understand that your model of our understanding of this stuff is vastly oversimplified and naive. You continue to demonstrate this over and over again. For example, you have asked me to make up some scenario where you can predict the behaviors of someone - but this misses the point that a made up person doesn't have an inner dialogue to deal with. It would simple to show you are wrong by merely making the character decide to do something different that what you think - because they have some motivation that you aren't aware of. And people do this all the time. Every time an alcoholic decides to not drink, or a narcissist helps their grandmother with her groceries, or a person on the internet has a nuanced position on politics or social issues.

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+8 answers in: “What is the most accurate analysis someone has made of you?”

What is the weirdest thing you've heard somebody say?

I don't know, but it was probably from a parent to their two or three year old. Like "why is there peanut butter in your pocket"?

So we're discussing mental disorders at this moment? Did you not read that prior to my medication the unpredictability was overwhelming, to an extent where suicide filled my thought process on a daily basis? The correct state of mind, the ideal state of mind, it’s predictable as humans love patterns

I'm not discussing mental disorders. I read the part were you are on medication, but that's the extent of what you shared. If you want to talk about it, we can, but my point was that you're ascribing thoughts, ideas or attitudes to me that aren't correct, and attributing that to the understanding that we have of the human psyche. While we have a growing understanding of the field, there is still way more for us to understand before we can say, with any meaning, that we have it "figured out". It's like, we can follow all the processes of erosion, but we aren't at the point where we can predict which boulder is going to erode in such a way to look like a dog chasing it's tail. So too in psych, we can understand the things, in a post-hoc way, why someone did something, but predicting that behavior before hand with any certainty is beyond our ability at this time.

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+8 answers in: “What is the most accurate analysis someone has made of you?”

Which beer do you like better out of these 2, Guinness Extra Stout or Guinness Draught? I prefer the Guinness Extra Stout

Chris Smolik
I'd probably lean towards the stout as well.

The sad part is yes, most of us do have it figured out, and the fact that you feel like there is not means there's a lot of unpredictability in your life. Prior to my medication, I experienced exactly that, but now that I'm properly medicated, I have a sense of certainty with each day.

You are displaying a perfect example of why you are wrong. It's neither sad not happy that we have or have not "figured" this stuff out, it just is. You include yourself in the "analytical" people, but misdiagnose me to a near comical extent. My life is decidedly and predictably predictable, but I am mentally pliable enough to deal with disruptions to my preferred routines. Certainty is an illusion of belief that makes us feel in control of our environment, but it's no more real than the control is. If that helps you get through the day, don't let me dissuade you from it, but understand that your thoughts on the matter are far from the norm in any branch of psychology or sociology, or really any branch of science dealing with cognition and cognitive processes.
+8 answers in: “What is the most accurate analysis someone has made of you?”

No, one's inner dialogue is not more advanced than the trained analytical mind. Patterns exist for a reason, and either it's survival based or selfishly based. One is common sense driven, while the other impacted by a variety of factors. But it's good to feel confident in oneself, I know 🙄😂

Everyone's inner dialogue is more complicated than the "trained analytical mind". The fact that we can categorize motivations into groups is just a type of modeling, and the funny thing about models is that they are all wrong. If it were so simple, we would have clear predictions of personal behaviors and could use mathematical models to know what they were going to do. Pre-crime would be a thing, and we'd be able to map out economic and social trends well in advance. Guess why none of that happens - because people aren't trends and patterns tend to have exceptions (which is one way we can distinguish them). We don't have this stuff figured out, as comforting as it would be for it to be so.
+8 answers in: “What is the most accurate analysis someone has made of you?”


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