
The YUNiversity

What is the meaning of "burning bridges" ? Thanks in advance, I adore this account

"Burning bridges" is an idiom for "destroying a relationship permanently." For example, if you quit your job and never want to go back there ever again, you might write a nasty blog post that explains why you hate everyone at that company. Once you post it and your former co-workers read it, you won't be able to work there again. You have "burned bridges" with that company and with your former co-workers. The idiom makes sense because if you burn a bridge, there's no going back.
It is generally wise to not burn bridges with people, school, work, etc., because you never know if you might have to go back to them in the future.
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Hi, it's good to see you back. I saw your recent post about SEVENTEEN's new album 'Semicolon'. Can u tell me how to use a semicolon in my paper? TY in advance.

Hi. It's good to be back. Things here have changed *a lot*. 😅
A semicolon is basically a period (.); it links two complete sentences together.
For example,
• Henry is hungry; he wants to eat a burrito for dinner.
• It rarely rains in Los Angeles; Henry often wonders why he owns 12 umbrellas.
If you'd like more help about semicolons, check this out: tinyurl.com/y6fk9fd2
Good luck on your paper! 👍

Do you agree that good things come to those who wait?


To quote a motivational poster, "Good things come to those who work their asses off and never give up."

Language: English