
Wan Yi

Ask @Ycoffee

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How Anorexia affect your life?

It affected alot,horrible body shape scared ppl around me,friends become less, my bones were brittle and I can't do well in any sports and games I like,plus I don't even have the strength to do so. I was depressed everyday,I want to eat the food I like,like what normal teenager does,cakes,chocolate,fries...but I'm scare,those calorie..whenever I was eating,mt brain was not thinking about the taste but counting calories. I was fatigue all the time. My doctor doesn't allow me to undergo extreme exercises that time so I was forced to quit olahraga. The game I love. When I went out,ppl kept staring at me ,made me feel embarrassing....
So to all girls, although appearance is vital but health is more important . I'm not afraid anymore to tell cos everything is a pass for me. I appreciate and ya,stay confiden. Although I don't have good looking or even a perfect body shape but ya.

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