

Ask @brie2390

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What would happen if you competed in the Olympics?

She looks like a bad drawing that I 5 year old would do

Who is someone you envy?

so proud of this girl (pic of our first time jumping) to last week doing 50cm to today doing 65cm

** CONTINUED** she's a professional show horse (4x APHA world champion) so I know she can clean house at the open shows but i just cant get her to focus on me. she is perfect by herself but we have to share a trailer and my sister wants to show also. any tips?

my thoughts are if it only happens at things like shows you could maybe go on an outing (not a show) with someone else and work on having the other horse near then moving it away a little, bringing it back ( once she calms down) and keep going away a little more. I don't know how effective this will be as I have never really dealt with this type of situation :)

Any way to calm a horse with separation anxiety? my horse is perfect at a show by herself but if another horse comes in the trailer she acts stupid and only focuses on them, it's very embarrassing and I cant control her:( ****CONTINUED****

I will try and help

Tips for turning a barrel tighter and faster? How do you get your horse to "sit" on their hind and rate?

I don't really do barrels but I would start in walk and make sure they have good foundation and as they get better and closer the the barrel increase speed
this was Ellie's first time doing them

Tips for getting a horse to round up and collect?

with Ellie we started on the ground making sure she had enough back muscle to be able to do it under saddle with Lucy's help we started in walk asking from the pole and only asking for short periods of time and did that with each gait


Language: English