

Ask @brie2390

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do you think you are a naturaly talanted rider or did you have to work hard to get where you are now

i have been told in the past that i am but i still work as hard as i can i don't think just cause you are talented does not mean you can be lazy and go well

Have you ever broken any bones? If so, how many and which ones?

yes, wrist,big toe and 4 fingers wish i now only had brakes not they would be all good and healed with in 6 week unlike my other problems

does your horse have a soft or hard mouth? have they always had a sort or hard mouth?

yes 99.9% of the time it is soft and responsive

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have u got a new horse yet

i said 3 days ago NO so why would it of changed in 3 days?
it has been 12 days since it happen you really think after that time we would be looking for a new horse? no horse that i have meet or will meet will be to the level she was..... never meet another horse like her
i will only have time for Ellie nothing else all i am doing moving forward is getting Ellie through this hard time for not only us but her and getting her to excel in anything i ask of her ALL MY EFFORT WILL BE PUT INTO ELLIE AND NOTHING ELSE
Liked by: Gadena

10 random facts about your horse

1 Ellie is turning 7 this year
2 we have had her for 3 years and 3 days
3 she is well educated
4 she has only EVER been ridden by 3 people
5 she is rego paint but can also be rego QH
6 she comes from very good lines (raining and led lines)
7 she was the first horse her old owner broke in
8 we got her when she was only 3
9 she had only been broken in for 6 months before we got her
10 she will be used for trick riding but has done some cow work

I love the dressage horse❤️❤️❤️ she looks good either way she's beautiful❤️❤️❤️❤️👌🏻

aww thanks she wont be a proper one that goes to comps but i guess it is good for her for her muscles and also for me to to know what she really knows and what she can do with ease
Liked by: Sinead Skye

what did you do with your ponies today for their birthday

not her birthday not till november 2
we did our normal rutine
in hand training (newest dressage horse hahah)
jumping and trail
Liked by: Sinead Skye

would u make horsey vids for youtube with the others girls

i have done one with Naomi before but would like to do some of ellie and others but i need someone to teach me how to make them right before i will upload......been taking videos ahahh
Liked by: Gadena

what do you wish you were better at with riding

to have my hands it the right spot to have Ellie CORRECTLY in the right frame

do you like other people watching you ride

no hate it.... i can stand it if it is Jenny or Lucy or mum bad i hate others especially if the person thinks they know it all but really has no idea
Liked by: Sinead Skye

do you judge people by going off what others tell you or do you make your own judgements

i may take into consideration but 9 times out of 10 i will put it aside and decide with what happens to me personally
Liked by: Sinead Skye

do you accept friends requests on facebook if its just by mutual friends and not actuallly having ever met the person?

if i don't know them i don't accept

please stop asking questions about her pony its a really hard time for her right now and she doesnt need people asking those really insensitive questions. colics an ass. RIP Chya


will u see her tomz if she needs to be put down or do u think it will be to hard

idk what is happening.... i will want to be there but it will be up to my mum


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