

Ask @brie2390

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have you ever met her boyfriend or seen him? What r ur thoughts

saw him for like 10 minutes but have not talked to him or anything

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Do u think that people who do not care for their horses never hae problems?

problems that are right in your face but they more then likely got something like back problems

if all the scenic girls horses were in a line what one would you get just on looks and why (not your own)

none only because i don't really like bays (only going on looks) and the gray we had had skin cancers everywhere so prob not choose a gray

what has been your favorite year of school and why

year 11 because you don't get treated like a little kid and you get to choose all you classes

Do u go on trail by yourself

the place i was at before scenic i only went by myself but now at scenic i mostly ride with hannah but sometimes by my self


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