

Ask @brie2390

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For many horses is your dream number of horses?

the most we have ever had at one time was 3 and that was a good number

Top 10 facts about your horse

1 ellie is a paint QH
2 she is a very dominate mare
3 she looked after the old girl in the herd so she always has an injury
4 her dad was a very well known QH in Australia
5 she has only ever had 3 people ride her (including me)
6 she has jumped to 65cm with me but has jumped much higher
7 she has been to a few shows (before i got her)
8 she looks the best when she is being silly
9 she likes to be around other horses
10 she is very smart and picks things up very fast and easily

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Best thing about horses?

they are so forgiving and if the really knew how strong they were no one would even be able to ride and 'tame' them

How many shows have you ever been too

no real shows but have done things like fun days /clinics at where ellie has been kept
i did one endurance ride but that is not really a show

What is one thing you want to improve in your riding?

sitting even in the saddle sometimes i feel like i am sitting even and i am not and other times i feel like on one side but i am even stupid body

It isn't too bad. One of my friends is a pro bull rider and he broke two of his ribs but he was riding the next day. I didn't know I had fractured my rib until I went to the doctor for my yearly check up. Needless to say it was a surprise when I found out😊

well that is good it was not to painful , i know the feeling at the doctors when did you do that is that and did not even know you did it :)

Oh my goodness! My worst was a hairline fracture on one of my ribs. I think you won😄

ahahah they were a few years back now (touch wood) never done anything to my ribs but have heard that it is very painful

What is your worst injury from horseback riding

braking my wrist or barking and dislocation my big toe and did tendon/nerve damage in toe and foot

Oh I'm sorry. Can you ride her now. Or when will you be able to ride her again?

hoping in a month but still not sure it is only mild so yes but there will be time she will have flare ups and wont be able to be ridden

You mean my drivers license? I can get my permit when I'm 15

we call all of ours licenses (l's to fulls) licenses. the two years will come fast

when can she come back into work

farrier back in a month and see what she says hoping she can be ridden in a month

how is ellie doing

she is starting to get better still can't ride her for at least another month but she can start some lunging and in hand now

how many horses have u owned

we have had 17 all up some owned some leased and am to lazy to count how many we have owned

What happened to Elle. It's 11:30 pm where I live

she has a hoof abscesses / sore leg and then the has the laminitus


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