

Ask @brie2390

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Has anyone ever doubted you and your horse?

I bet there has been a lot of people doubt not on me with Ellie but with past horses like Pinky and Fruit Tingles

Equestrian question of the day: Op on double backing?

if you are talking about barebacking it is fine as long as it does not make to horse uncomfortable I have never done it but I know people who have

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have you kept in touch with any of their old owners

we lost touch for a little while with Lucy but now we see each other nearly every week before Ellie was out we did see her every week she does Ellie's in hand work

why don't you do it now?

I was doing campdrafting on a horse named Pinky a few years ago then when she was sold Tingles (my next horse) was not suited to it the club that I did it with then sort of broke up and ATM Ellie is out but maybe once she is better I will start cattle days

What discipline do you ride in western?

I like campdrafting ( use to do it and want to start again) and just general cow work like mustering
Liked by: Reghan

I hope everything goes well and you can ride her!!! Btw I love your western headstall😍😍

thank you so much! she seems to be getting better so hopefully it is time. I love it too and got it at a great price which makes it even better
Liked by: Chloe

Equestrian question of the day: What is the most fun/scariest thing you have ever done with your horse?-Avi

the most fun was trying to do trick riding on her and her having no idea what to do! the most scary was when she cut one of her legs (full thickness after cutting her chin then a week later her other leg full thickness) and it looked like she had broken her leg she was unable to put any weight on it and it was extremely and just the look of her leg looked like it was broken luckily it was not she got cellulitis (infection) in it

**Controversy question Tuesday** Opinion on gag hackamores

no idea what they are don't use them I use a normal bridle

why did you go to the vet? who is tayio?

my dog, we got up yesterday morning to him not weight bearing on back right leg so we gave him yesterday to see if he would but he did not so he went to the vet we thought be tore his ACL like he did last year (had surgery) and more then likely he did have to go back next week to see if he needs surgery on this leg
Liked by: Sierra❥

what did you do today

went to Ellie and did her stable then to the vets with Taiyo back to scenic and took Ellie for her walk now home and in about 10 minutes go back to Ellie

why not just feed lurcern?

lucerne and she is not aloud to have much with her problems this on farrier and vet advice also if she is to have it the hay mist be socked

why would you buy a bridle for a nag that can't be ridden

is it your money??
1. there are no nags at scenic so how is she?
2. she can be ridden just not right this second
3. she is getting better so if all goes well on Friday she MAY be able to be RIDDEN
Liked by: Tyler Graham

why did you not get the other bridle it is soooooooo much nicer

I like it and it looks great on Ellie! This bridle is more professional looking so if I went to a comp or fun day ect it would look better then the other also we got it at a great price.

Equestrian question of the day: Pap of your favourite equestrian gift you got for Christmas

so we did not get the bridle that I posted earlier (not the best pic but the only one I have ATM)
Liked by: hayley


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