

Ask @brie2390

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What is the worse injury you have ever had?

The worst one that I knew at the time was tearing my ACL and meniscus bit at the time (was found later) finding brakes in my L4 and L5 in my back and having all of problems associated with that

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Are you one of the top riders out of the scenic girls if not who

I think there are strengths and weaknesses with EVERYBODY but as long as you keep improving that is the main thing

do u think ur family would support you if u fell pregnant?

Yes but once again it won't be happening in a long time

if u fell pregnant what would u do with ur horse (this is a question where I think answers will be interesting)

I am not going to and let's just say she would be on a ridden brake

Omg same with Billy I can't wait it's so exciting that I have only been riding him for 23 hours and he use to knock them and now he picks his feet up and were jumping 30cm 😂😂😂

it will be great, i can't wait to just together I was jumping at 60cm but I can't expect that when she is just coming into work
Liked by: Sinead Skye

For the anon information Brielle and I have been jumping low because our horses/ training horses knock them and you trail them to not knock them and teach them how to properly jump not go straight into a 70cm jump and think they will jump it is stupid!!

ahah love you lets just say I can't wait till I am aloud to jump 70cm
Liked by: Sinead Skye

That is shit jumping it is only like 30cm

For your information, this is as high as she has be cleared to go. I am proud of her and how far we have gotten


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