

Ask @brie2390

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I know and they usually buy a $50,000 horse even though they've only been riding for like 2 months just so they can brag

I 100% agree with you

I know it makes me want to scream when people just throw out a perfectly good horse because the next one is "better"

and 9 times out of the 10 there are no better or just as good as their old horse
i think it is more like look i have a new horse now give me more attention and make me feel special about asking about my new horse

You really can't and you get so attached to them too

even with Chya she was 35 when she passed but she was another one in a million horse and we did everything that we could not only because she was good but because she was part of the family
i really hate seeing people that seem to have a new horse every week they thing horses are so disposable and when 'something better' comes they just dump their old horse

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That's exactly what I was gonna say😊. If Meadow would've even had a chance at a good quality life I would've done ANYTHING to save her.

i have had so many people say to me why don't you just sell her and get something else she is nothing but trouble but when you find a horse like her and i bet like Meadow you can't just give up on them

Just please don't give up on her. (I know you won't , I just had to say it). 😊

there has been a few times that i have been like this is so unfair everyone also gets to ride and i never get to... but as my mum said just think about her getting better and then how good it will be to be able to ride her after all the work that has been put into getting her better :)

That's good. At least she's making progress. My horse got an abscess in her foot and I couldn't ride her fir 2 months. I hope Ellie gets better before then

funny you talk about abscess she got one only a few weeks before being diagnosed with laminitis and we now know that was a warning sign (not always but in her case it was) she was out for 5 weeks and then had one weekend of riding and now have not ridden her for a month
i am really happy she has make progress but after today with just five minutes of work and seeing how sore she was kind of scared me to think that they last time i rode her how well behaved she was but really how much pain she would of been in (as she has now made progress since that last ride)

That would suck hopefully she gets better really soon!!

thank you we are hoping that she can start to do more and light riding in a month ( see what the farrier says next month) but we are lucky we caught it as early as we did

I hope she gets better😊

thanks she is slowly getting there the farrier said she was better to was she was like last month

How was your ride?

it was really good thanks the horse i was meant to ride would not be caught so i rode her other horse he is more of a hand full then the other one but loved every bit of it

We have bute too. Would a chiropractor help? It might make her looser to let the blood flow easier. IDK tho

i am surprised they are called the same thing she sees a massage therapist and has seen a chrio once we are hoping that she was only really sore because it was the first time in a while she has done anything work wise

I bet it is sore. I don't know what to do about her feet😐

it was scary to see her nearly fall over. there really is not much we can do even an medication here called bute which is used for like pain does not really help as not much blood flow get down there so she will just go for a light walk tomorrow

I bet getting to ride again was refreshing. Have you tried rubbing her muscles and tendons with liniment ? That might help with the soreness😊

it was so good but my body is so out with riding now it is her hooves so we can't do anything like that we are lucky that her muscles and tendons are all fine

How are you and what did you do today?😀

i'm good thanks just went to see Ellie she had her first lunge today (only 5 minutes) and she went really well while in there but then was very sore on her feet and nearly feel over because of them being sore. Had my first ride in more then a month on a friends horse (get to ride him now while Ellie is out )

Ok cool that's nice to know:)

i was worried to go off anon as i did not know if you would think who is this person but i am happy i did

Ok cool!! It is so great to talk to someone who likes horses and responds back

i feel the same way. If you ever send something and i don't reply right away i will as soon as i see it

Last time you went riding?

been over a month
a friend has said that i am able to ride one of her horses as she has gone in to hospital and can't ride for 6 weeks really happy

Cool!! What is ur biggest fear when it comes to horses?

you know what i really don't have a fear i know i can get kicked,bitten,fall off ect i have chosen to have horses knowing i could even get killed


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