
Alicia Castagna

Ask @chickenfilletcake

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Your anonymous person is making me laugh :') Their grammar is appalling, yet, they think that they are superior to you! Hi, by the way!! :)

Zoë Eliza
Hahaha, I know... Oh dear xp oh well, leave them to it. And haloha, Zoë ;)
Liked by: Zoë Eliza

No but really how do you feel I've had sex with your boyfriend?

I feel nothing but pity on your behalf, clearly trying to make me jealous or some shit. Well guess what, I have nothing to be jealous about because I am the one who is in a relationship with him and can have sex with him whenever I want, not you.:')

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I mean in the way that your like 15 and you think you know everything, you're close minded and ignorant. lol.

FYI I am 16, soon to be 17 and probably know more than you.
At least I am open to share my opinions whereas you do it anonymously because you don't have the guts.
Nice try, anon, but I don't give a crap about your worthless opinions.:')

you're statuses actually make me laugh

Idk whether you mean this in a good way or a bad way but cool

What role does television play in your life and the life of your family?

It's just entertainment for when we're bored really

Should schools offer cash bonuses for good test scores?

No. That's not fair on the people who are less mentally capable than the rest. It's up to the parents on whether they want to give their child money for good results.

How to stay safe online?

Don't be naïve and think that some randomer who tells you they love you, actually loves you.

When you go to a movie, do you like to sit in the back, middle, or front?

Either the back or middle

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

Tell them to man up and pull themselves together because no matter how bad they think things are going, it could always be worse.
Or do like Mr Chow and be like "but did you die?"

If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

My boyfriend
Johnny Cash
Seth Rogan
Mr Bean
Jennifer Lawrence

What's your favorite movie scene?

Er, in Australia when Drover says "that's the way it is" and Mrs Boss says "just because it is, doesn't mean it should be".
Love that film.
Liked by: Anton Jones


Language: English