
Alicia Castagna

Ask @chickenfilletcake

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But a jam jar, they're filled with jam! Why do I find myself so funny?:') and utterly weird and confusing!

Pahahah, oh Em, you do confuse me :')

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Do you consider yourself a creative person?

I can be, it just depends on the aspect of the field
Like, if someone gave me a topic such as "forests" I wouldn't be able to create a good piece, but if they said I can do whatever I want I'd just draw some random shit that comes in my head :')


I could tell, you muppet ;) xxxxxxxxxx

You're such a little hairspray head. I still love you thou! I loved our catch up! T'was great! Just loved it! SAUSAGE ROLL CHUCKED AT YOUR HEAD. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Pahahahahahahaahahaha. I knew this was you. I love you! Our catch up was fab. That's not funny, it was quite painful!

What is the best way to learn a foreign language?

Talking to someone foreign who doesn't know any English so you're forced to learn their language

No, but seriously, what is your life story?

I was born
I had 10 older brothers, I was the youngest
My mom tried to raise all 11 of us but couldn't so put us up for adoption
I was adopted at either 3 or 4
We moved in with our new parents in Rochdale
I was raised with 2 of my brothers, Jason (Jay) and Darron (Daz)
We got brought to Italy to get introduced to our new family
We grew up and learnt Italian because my parents only spoke Italian to each other
I went to primary school
I was bullied for being a tomboy
I went to high school
I made an amazing friend called Jess, whom I'm still friends with to this day
I was bullied for being spotty and an 'emo'
Fell for a guy and it was all going well until he cheated
I am now in college and have finally found a place where I feel at home
Liked by: Yasmin Dacas

Favorite star wars character?

That's difficult, but I'd have to say Qui-Gon Jinn.
I loved him, he went against what the High Jedi Council said and although it led him into discovering Anakin as the 'Chosen One' to train, and he ended up turning to the dark side to join Palpatine, or Darth Sidious there was just something about him.
He believed in the 'Living Force' which often made him take side-trips to help the weak and useless life-forms, basically, he was wise and kind-hearted and most often could see through people (not literally)

Your life story?

I was born.
I was raised.
I now I'm here, sat in bed answering these questions, wondering what my purpose in life is, cause I'm clearly not very useful considering all I do is go on Facebook, ask.fm, sleep and eat

who are you?

Who am I?
Well, I honestly don't know who I am.
I though I was Alicia, but I don't think I am anymore.
I though I was human but I don't think I am anymore.
I don't know who I am...
Who am I, anon?
I bet you I'm princess Leia, I always wanted to be princess Leia...
For the sheer fact she's awesome and a great leader but also because she pulled Han Solo, damn he's hot.
Or Padmé. Now there's someone I'd love to be.
But especially, she got Anakin. Dayummmmm. Lucky bitch. He might have turned to the dark side but damn he was one hot mess.
I am Padmé.
Satisfied with your answer, anon?

I feel you, I hate it, you'll find someone though bit Al, don't worry! ;)

You don't feel me.
That's creepy.:c
And people always say that, then when I do find someone I'm genuinely happy with something fucks with it... Life fucks with it. Life fucks it. Life fucks you. You're getting fucked by life right now.
'bit', ahahahaha, I think you mean 'big', anon.:3

Seen your status, what's up chuck?

Fucking guys man, guys...
One minute they're all like "I really like you" then the next they're like "I just wanted to be friends"
They confuse me.:c

What do you think about people who send anonymous hate on here? What would you say to the victims?

I honestly think they are pathetic. I don't understand how they have nothing better to do than put others down just for the sheer fun of it. They think it makes them "funny" or "cool" when in reality they just look like absolute idiots. They never try to put themselves in the victims shoes and imagine what it's like to be in their position.
I've had anonymous hate myself but I can handle it, it doesn't affect me. But you'll get a weaker person who one day might just give in to that hate, they'll have enough of it and end up harming themselves. All this because one person wanted to have a bit of a laugh.
If you are a victim then honestly I'm gonna be as blunt as I can. Just suck it up and ignore them. They're not worth your time, nevermind your tears or sadness. When they insult you, act as if you don't care, that will get them so mad, and then you'll be the one laughing at them.

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Liked by: Leonie Adams


Language: English