
Alicia Castagna

Ask @chickenfilletcake

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I'm ashamed! You chose Johnny Depp, over Zayn!

But I'm already married to Zayn, I had to choose someone else, gosh!

You're the most beautiful, understanding and down to earth person I have ever met, and will meet. I love you.

Awh omg, thank you so much! :')
Who is this?

No need to thank me I'm just an honest guy,I would come off anon but I don't want to dissapoint you.I'm just a nobody.

Awh, shush! You won't disappoint me, I'm not that shallow :')
You're not a nobody, you're lovely!
Please come off anon?

We don't speak..i dont even know you but i saw your profile on the stream and i was instantly drawn here.You are so beatiful and perfect even angels would be filled with jelously.I am so envyous to anyone that has such an amazing privilige to know you.

Holy crap, aw, that was adorable :3
That's made my day, thank you!
Please come off anon?

What was the last concert you went to?

Dog Is Dead.
They're not very well known, but they should be.
They're absolutely amazing.
And the lead singer touched me. Not inapropriately, but he put his arm round my waist!
Even though I do wish it was inapropriately...


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