
Alicia Castagna

Ask @chickenfilletcake

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If I offered you a ranch in Colorado, a Harley, a Volkswagen hippie van and dogs and cats and stuff what would you say?


How do you usually start a conversation?

I usually say "hi"
Or compliment them
Or tell them I love them and they say "I think we're just friends"
This is how I make friends. :3

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That was probably the most beautiful one ice gotten so far, thank you, my name is Jyles btw! Thank you ever so much!!! Xoxoxoxoxo

Aw, that was lovely! Thank you :3
Hey Jyles!
Don't thank me, thank you!! <3
Liked by: Tsvrygreen

what would u do if u had 4 million pounds

Give half to the poor/ to charity.
Get a nice little American bungalow in Colorado, buy a ranch and horses, get a pick-up truck and aHarley Davidson.
I'd also get a Volkswagen hippie van and go on long road trips in America.
I'd get dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, pigs, chickens and loads of animals.
It would be fab. :')
Liked by: JoJo

That's cheating! XD We are planning on leaving in September, how did you know it was me?

Sam Bryars
Omfg, please take him away! XD
And from your extended vocabulary and the fact that you asked about my brother, nobody gives a shit about my brother. XD
Liked by: Sam Bryars

Jason, and it's we're you leave the country for an extended amount of time.

I wouldn't mind if he went away for ever...:3
Btw, hey Sam. :)
Liked by: Sam Bryars

what would u do if zayn came in to ur room?

Mate, his clothes would be off in 0.02 seconds and he would be in my bed after 3 seconds.
Liked by: JoJo

After Floyd betrayed you, he got his comeuppance. Now he's being a dick because things aren't going his way, and is just becoming even more of an attention seeker. Better without him, much better.

Please don't say he's betrayed me, cause I don't know if he has and if he hasn't I don't want people to get the wrong idea about him and think he has. :/
But still, I'm not better off without him cause I'm just lost.
He made me so happy and made me feel good about myself.
I should've never let him go, he wouldn't be like this if I hadn't and I definitely wouldn't be such a mess.

Sophie Smith?

Aw, she's fucking fab.
I talked to her properly for the first time on Saturday and she's great.
She's so weird and funny and just amazing. :')
We attempted to hit on a blonde guy from Stoke on Trent but he was too drunk to understand what was going on, but we still had so much fun. :'D

Whst do you honestly think of me and what are you going to miss most about me? <3 xxxxxxx

Sean Mills New
Uhh well you're awesome and funny and generally a cool guy.
I'm gonna miss our times at school and our Berlin trip cause it was simply fab :3 <3

What do you honesty think of me and what are you going to miss most about me? <3 xxxxxx

I don't know who this is, you're on anon :/

I think the story about you and your ex is beautiful, you loved him and he betrayed you, god you're preaching to the choir the same thing happened to me x

Awh thank you :') I don't actually know if he cheated on me or not so I don't want anyone to hate him but it's what was said :/ and oh god, it's horrible isn't it? x

Sorry boo, I know how you feel and I know it hurts. But you're a strong girl and you're so lovely! I never meant anything against you as you know, keep smiling. You're beautiful xx

Hey, don't be sorry, it's not your fault. :')
It's just me being soft.
I know you didn't, thank you! :3 xx

What question do you hate to answer?

Anything personal tbh...
Like about my ex's
My "sex life" which is non-existent
Where I'm from, shit like that :')

Who was your longest relationship with? What did you think of them?

Oh ffs, uh it was with Christian and it lasted 2 months and 10 days, as you can tell I am shit at relationships. c:
But yeah, when we first met I thought he was the best person I'd ever met, he was beautiful, funny, kind and really fucking weird. :') uhh, when he asked me if I'd get with him I couldn't have been happier, I had butterflies in my tummy and everything, I was just so happy. Then as the relationship went on I grew to like him even more, I would have given up anything for him. I went to see him pretty much every day even when he didn't have money. I even made him a sandwich ffs, aha. :3
But yeah, like a 2 months into the relationship is when I liked him the most, like, I would get so jealous if any girl even spoke to him, I never said anything though.
A week ago on Wednesday me, him and loads of other friends went to Burrs park and I was hoping to have a fun day out with him like splashing around in the water and stuff, but no, he decided he's rather do drugs instead of spending time with me. That's when I figured there was something wrong.
Then, 3 days before we broke up he started fucking himself up with pills and alcohol and shit, so I spoke to him and asked him why and he said, "I'm only doing it because I'm scared of losing you".
That was utter bullshit cause when we broke up on Saturday, he had a new girlfriend the next day, which means he's already started liking her when he was with me.
When I found out, it absolutely fucking killed me so I just stayed in the house all week pigging out and shit cause I was so upset and angry. Yesterday was the first time I had been out since we broke up and it was pretty fucking great, I went to Manchester with my friends and had fun, until him and his girlfriend turned up, that's when I left to go to bury cause I couldn't stand seeing them together, it killed me. :(
But, all in all he meant the world to me and he made me so happy, those 2 months and 7 days were the best days of my life. :')

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Liked by: Yasmin Dacas


Language: English