
Alicia Castagna

Ask @chickenfilletcake

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I dont even understand how people can sit there and insult somebody when theyre not even doing anything wrong? Just degenerates that live sad sad lives ... GET A LIFE PEOPLE

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People are so nice aha just chill out people. Shit, y'all wanna know stuff that aint any of your business, must be fucking bored to tears get a life aha

It's okay, they have nothing better to do with their lives than ask random girls how many guys they've slept with... Probably 'cause they ain't getting none! Peace, anon

Would you consider yourself good at giving advice?

I'm great at giving advice to others, but awful at following my advice myself

What if weed, wasn't weed, and was actually a weed? Have that confusion in your mind.. Like weed, and space marbles. Be careful of that shit.

As long as it gets me high, I don't really care what it is

What if I told you a dashingly handsome red head from your school days was in the middle of all this happening last weekend? XD

I would ask you what on earth you are talking about

Gandalf was fixing the TARDIS as Santa Clause ceased control of Westeros XD

Dear lord, what have we done

Obi Wan was too busy fighting the Dark Lord in Narnia XD

Oh yeah and Gandalf was busy fixing the Tardis

Because in reality... it was Glen Coco who took the One Ring to Mordor! XD

I think you'll find Obi Wan took the One Ring to Mordor

If a monkey's naughty, then how does it prove the moon is made of cheese? XD

How does it prove the moon isn't made of cheese?

If a chicken crossed the road carrying two bananas, then how many chocolate bars does the monkey get? :P

None because monkeys are naughty


Language: English