
Alicia Castagna

Ask @chickenfilletcake

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Do you prefer to answer questions or ask them?

Answer them, I don't ask questions much, I always feel nosy

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Who is the most beautiful woman?

She ain't no woman, she's a girl, but Jess fucking Burrow.
She's fucking perfect.

Do you trust people easily?

If you've gained my trust then you've literally done the impossible.
I trust nobody and I never will.
I've always had it thrown back in my face and I'm sick of it.
Even people who promise they will be there for me I can't trust.
And people who have been there for me ever since I've known them, I get worried that sooner or later they're just gonna walk out of my life like everyone else.

If you could print any phrase on a T-shirt, what would it say?

Jks, probably "trust nobody" with like, a black and white sunset beach with someone sat down staring into the ocean and distance, idk.
Dude, you're so deep I can't even see you anymore.

What do you like to do on the weekends?

Go out with my friends, then get home and play video games c:

TIGERS EARN THEIR STRIPES. that's so cheesy and gay, but oh well ;) xxxxxxxxx

Hannah Rose Symcox
I know but I still don't believe it D:
Like when people say "your imperfections are what make you beautiful"
That bullshit!
Your imperfections are what make you imperfect :(

BOO, i'm the same i can't wear shorts without leggings and even then i don't feel comfortable and then my tshirts have to be baggy.. but baggy tshirts are well good soo who's complaining there?:) AND YOU ARE GORGEOUS, and i'll take it thanks xxxxxxxx

Hannah Rose Symcox
Oooo heeeeeey :3
And I know right, I do wear shorts without anything but I get dead paranoid of stretch marks and stuff so I have to wear a baggy t-shirt or hoodie over the top D:
But thank you woman, you are ADORABLE! xxxxxxxxx

YOU, you're well funny. your sarcastic comments and dry humour is so funny. i could spend hours with you and we'd just laugh for bloody hours (by we i mean mostly you...) you're gorgeous, your hair is beautiful, your eyes are stunning, your body is perfect. give them to me:-(! xxxxxxxxxx

ANON, come off anon :(
This was so fucking adorable, thank you so much! :'3
And yes, I'm sorry I laugh a lot okay xD
But trust me, you really don't want my body, I can't even wear a t-shirt or shorts without feeling paranoid, it's horrible :( have it if you want, but you really wouldn't be happy!
But anyway, thank you again, this was really fucking cute :'3
And again, WHO IS THIS?! D: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Alicia, you are an amazing and beautiful girl I liked you from the moment I met you, you're funny although you are also a bully :( but you're friendly and loyal, I miss speaking to you as often tbh :/ we've had many "experiences" ;3 some fun (you know which) and some that ain't so good. LOVE YOU!

Awwh that was adorable :3 thank youuuuuu! :'3
If dis is hu I fink it is den ai luvs u to man, u is awsum nd u shud inbx me nd txt me mor ye
Liked by: Jack Tomlinson

What is your favorite way of wasting time?

Sitting on my window ledge drawing, listening to music and watching my cats fight outside :')


Language: English