
Alicia Castagna

Ask @chickenfilletcake

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:-o think you's got the wrong guy! Dont worry bout it though

Well that's awkward D:
Damon usually says that :c
Uhh, who is this then?! :o

Yeah! That's why i kept asking :-D you're still the best person ever who i havent met yet haha xD

Omfg hahah xD Damon hey dude! It's been while D:

Think i'm all out of questions :-( at least i tried haha

Awh bless cm:c were my answers satisfying though? Hahah

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Hmm in that case, star wars or your favourite game/game series?

I don't even have to think about that one... Star Wars c:

Ugh running out of either or questions haha xD uhhm.... Laminate flooring or carpet? O.o

Carpet, it's soft :3

Video games or films?

Depends what games and what movies..
But if I had to choose on the spot it'd be games :')

Do you prefer guys with hats or without hats?

I honestly don't mind
As long as they don't have greasy hair :(

Thankies! You are too, sorry about the barrage of strange questions like haha

Anytime! Haha, thank you, and I honestly don't mind, it's nice having actual questions for once :')

Dave is just the man! yaay! And yeah home is much better! The fridge is closer...

Isn't he just?! And I know omg... Anon, you're fab

If you could be any animal, what would you be?

A black panther, they're so beautiful, they're basically like cats but bigger :3

Well always remember the backhand ;-)

That's really not helpful, I've had a lot of backhands in my life :(

Do you prefer the cinema or home viewing? XD

Home, it's more cosy and you can cuddle up without the fucking arm rests in the way -.-

Well, i'd never give you shit, the people who do obviously dont realise the impact it can potentially have on people

I know, honestly I think it's stupid how people can sit behind a computer and spend their sad lives insulting people, they obviously don't lead interesting lives...
I'm used to it now so it doesn't really affect me, but sometimes people don't realise when it's too far

If you had to lose one of your senses, which one would you pick?

Idk, maybe hearing so I don't have to hear peoples' bullshit, but then again I'd never be able to interact with people without pen or paper... So taste? I think :')

`i dont bite' well there's a lie ;) Why lie you small red headed child ;)

Well I'm sorry anon ;3
I don't bite unawesome people ;)
Who dis?

Have you ever judged someone on just their appearance?

If I'm honest I have, last week actually, there was a guy with a massive Mohawk wearing leather skinnys and a leather jacket and I thought he was scary at first, but then I actually spoke to him and got to know him and he's just like me, he's lovely :')


Language: English