
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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Have you ever seen Nurse Witch Komugi-chan?

Yup! A long time ago. The anime club I joined as a kid showed it after Soul Taker. Good times.

Do himehorn herds get wiped out by diseases due to their lack of genetic diversity?

It's rare, but himehorns herds can definitely suffer from plagues and the like. Also keep in mind that there is /some/ genetic diversity, even amongst the haremhorns and musclehorns, since not all share the same hornmother.

How do nohorns play games with steam and what kind of games can you play with it?

Nohorns have a magic rock... the rock is really hot! So hot that they use it to boil water and make a lot os steam. The steam rises and turns some big wheels. The wheels make electricity which they use to power their magic boxes and play games.
Nohorns are pretty weird. They go to all that trouble just to play games instead of getting their haremnohorns to make them some ropes or juggling bags ...
Liked by: Evil Steve Leedah

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Now, the refined and composed Cream has a handprint on her back = 3 = You didn't expect that, did you?

Muhuhu~ how cute. =w=

I'll worry about in detail when the Darkcake anime happens. ||| ...but I want a confirmation now! :T

Whoever can do the best "I'm holding back my tears because I'm a good girl and I want daddy to be proud of me" cry-whimper has the part:
Liked by: Leedah Evil Steve

System Shock 3: will it be worth it, or is yet another great franchise about to be ruined?

Chris Charabaruk
Actually, I've never played System Shock.
I just watched some gameplay footage right now and... man, that is creepy. Great atmosphere. I wish I had played it back when it came out.

Dink, what level are you in ToS now? Or did you drop it already? What's your opinion on it, what would you improve, and why didn't you post your feedback on forums?

I stopped playing it after the first day or two and started playing Disgaea 5 again.
It's a beautifully designed game. The fast leveling is great (maybe it's just like that for the beta, though) and the fights are really kinetic. You really feel the impact of every hit. Really comfy art, too.
I guess, in the end, I'm just not an MMO guy -- I really enjoy that single player experience. Just like in real life. ;w;

She's only 2.5D: ||| >not even Live2D ... I am 2Dissapointed on you.

But I can hug her 2.5D form. And pat her head! A-and hold her hand...!! ///

>he's a better person than u lol >and will fuck ur waifu and leave you raising his kid, you cuck. | That's not how being a good person works

Chad doesn't even know about the kid. The mom just spermjacks him and makes you foot the bills.

>cupcake VA question|| Dan Kim newfags. Bet you just came for the himehorn cuteness, mixed with a little "bully.: Back in my day, we "bullied" Nana to death and got hundreds of white pages and loved it. Dan only drew ten pages before he'd stop updates. 3:< Fucking kids these days are so

Those were the days, eh?
Anyway, thanks for the message. Here's some vintage Cupcake in return:
Liked by: Chris Charabaruk

Dan, you have been sharing too many DCTs on twitter. I am dissapointed.

You're right. Please enjoy this flat a cutest.

>System Shock "remake" announced. I thought it was stuck in legal hell forever, I thought this one, at least, was safe. Hold me Dan.

Just give me another Master of Orion and Star Control II.
Liked by: Saber Tank

If Cupcake, Darkcake, and Pancake were in an anime, who would their voice actors be?

Cupcake would be an annoying amateur youtube voice actress. The most annoying I can find!
Darkcake would be hvae to be someone who does a good "earnest girl" voice. Not too cute or girlish, but not quite tomboyish. Hmm...
Pancake could have Ren-chon's voice (from Non Non Biyori). She's a good girl, but kinda weird. You're never quite sure what's going on in that head of hers...
Liked by: Evil Steve

Hey Dan, your answers have really helped me pull through a lot of situations and keep a cool head, so I wanted to thank you somehow. I figured you might enjoy getting bullied, but I need a primer. Like uh, who is this Chad McHugeHands everyone keeps talking about?

Rodney Dangerfield had this great joke:
"My wife, I tell ya, she won't sleep with me no more -- always givin' me the cold shoulder. I ask her: is there someone else? She looks at me and says: There MUST be."
Chad is James Bond, Edward Cullen, the rock star, the winning team's captain, etc. Whichever social ladder your lady is climbing, Chad is the man on top. And he deserves to be there. He's taller, more handsome, kinder, more generous and open-hearted, smarter, cares about his community more, protects others, cares about the interests of others, has an even temper, reflects the has superior genetics, and will fuck ur waifu and leave you raising his kid, you cuck.
Did you know that about 10% of kids are not fathered by the men they believe to be dad?
>A British survey conducted between 1988 and 1996 by Robin Baker, a former professor at the University of Manchester, confirmed the 10-per-cent figure. That seems high to skeptics such as Dalhousie University geneticist Paul Neumann, although even he admitted that "my colleague, who's a woman, tells me women have no trouble believing it. . . . It's the men who can't."
That's the hell that awaits us non-chads, anon. Beware!

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Liked by: Evil Steve

Dan has anyone ever told you that you should write a book about art and life? Cause seriously, I bet it'd end up on every hipster graphic designers desk in a decade like those iteration cards seem to be now

Dao of the Cakebutt
by Dan Kim
(and sum writed frum a cutest and a best hi its me cupcake i did it)
"b a respect on urself and ur acutest bc ur a cute ok pls do it"
"ps but im even more a cutest so pls b a more respect 2me thx muu~ =3="
Liked by: Evil Steve


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