
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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>Those who are turned tend towards the pale side // Is that why Vikky has pale hair, or is that unrelated?

You'll find out later. =w=

Does the darkness of the hair indicate the power or purity of lineage or something in vampires?

Yup. The Vampire Princess is proud of her golden locks. =w=

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Do all vampires have golden hair?

Yup. Ranges from fields-of-wheat-in-the-sunset-gold to pale, nearly white gold. Those who are turned tend toward the pale side.

"All you had to say was cloaca and that immediately means no sexing for the himehorns."// Speak for yourself. Lamia/Harpy lover here, you can't go wrong with only one hole, bro.

You've won like, actual awards? That's really super cool. Congrats. How did it feel to win awards?

I got the Joe Shuster right outta school so I kinda wrote it off as a fluke, but the second one convinced me that it was okay to feel good about 'em. There Japanese award ceremony was pretty nice actually -- there were fancy cakes and dignitaries and even some press. Fun times!
Liked by: Chris Charabaruk

Uh... sorry, sempai, but dying from being stabbed in the back by your subordinate doesn't qualify you for Sentai Bad Guy Valhalla.

Okay, I'll take Sentai Bad Guy Limbo. Whatever I can get.

I discovered you through MGNQ, but looking at your website I see that you've got a ton of (beautiful looking) projects and works and even a game, all of which I'm currently checking out. How long have you been creating things? And what are your biggest inspirations?

Hey, thanks!
I've been making comics for about 14 years now. My biggest influences are: Tsutomu Nihei, Lovecraft, Rorty, Kafka, Zdzislaw Beksinki, Lewis Carroll ... and recently Kill la Kill has had a big influence on my more cartoony style.
I have an "about" page here if you want to check it out: http://manga.clone-army.org/about.php

What if himehorns were fed a cake made with himehorn eggs? Would they be able to tell? Would they still eat the cake?

Why are nohorns so evil?
When the greathorn forgot your horns, did she also forget your heart? ;~;

Could himehorn watch a horror movie without getting spooked? How about a game, like Silent Hill?

Too scary! They hate it!

If you were the leader of a sentai team, what would your theme be? (Dinosaurs? Trains? Anime?)

I'd be the Big Bad's right hand man -- the one that falls in love with the ranger that delivers papers on weekends to pay for her younger brother's medical treatment and then goes on to get NTR'd by the red ranger in season 2 and then stabbed in the back by my trusted but ambitious/scheming lieutenant when he finds out by my betrayal.
The lieutenant kidnaps the younger brother to lure out the rangers and I weep bitter tears in Sentai Bad Guy Valhalla -- I could have stopped this. Why did I let it happen?

"What happens in the combing circle stays in the combing circle." || Please do not sexualize the harem horns (until they become hornmothers). Harem horns are for combing, headpats, and cake feeding, not lewds.

What pride? Aren't they mad at their horns because it's what's causing all of this bullying/persecution?

Why don't the nohorns grow horns? They're the ones who are wrong!

In a desperate situation, could a musclehorn use a haremhorn as an improvised spear / stabbing weapon? Would she accept that if it were to defend the motherhorns or would she struggle and cry?

A musclehorn would never throw a haremhorn like that! Their bodies are too small and puny. A musclehorn would use her own horns or catapult a fellow musclehorn into the enemy.

What happens if we surgically remove a Himehorn's horns? Do they lose their powers?

Congrats, you've destroyed a himehorn's pride and her life. She'll be a hornless freak of a smoothead from now on.
I hope you're happy, you monster.

Can I borrow a Himehorn so that we could find out if... they can conceive? Scientific purposes, of course.

I hope you like cloaca-goo.

How are himehorns conceived? Thus far all the himehorns we've seen are female!

Are you sure? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Just kidding. The motherhorns don't need to be fertilized - they just plop out eggs. At least that's the going theory in the templar guidebook... but who knows what really happens in a combing circle? What happens in the combing circle stays in the combing circle.


Language: English