What's your opinion on rishi sunak stripping Gps of sick notes?

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I don't know tbh, I do think, on the other hand, that people are abusing sick notes.
And I don't know if it's a problem only in this country or this is like a generation thing, but it does make me a bit sad and annoyed.
I find the British prime minister overall performance very poor.
TBH he looks more Indian than British, I think they choose him for that.
I'm not British and I don't like politicians.
I can't say anything about British matters because I don't live in the UK
But I can say that supporting Israel is a crime
Liked by: igotamatch
I think it’s desperate and would be laughable if not for the suffering it’s going to cause real people.
About the only thing Soonout has left is blaming the victims of his 14 years of failure, which is why he’s no better than Truss.
The new ‘professionals’ will be untrained and under orders to fail most claimants, which won’t even save money, just cause more suffering.
It’s true that someone can be disabled and still work, and should be encouraged into the workplace, however (a) there’s. LESS such encouragement than there used to be, hence the remploy factories being closed down. (b) PIP has nothing to do with whether someone is in employment- a fact that Soonout hasn’t even bothered to find out, (c) that’s not what these new ‘professionals’ will be doing.
It’s also a way of shifting the blame onto GPs, whose only problem is that they have too much work to do because not enough have been trained during the 14 years of failure.

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It will just mean when people are forced to go to jobs they can't do, then they can just turn up late and be difficult. This worked for me. I'm. Tired of walking round warehouses as operative all day with my Varicose Veins, so I turned up 90 minutes later to a interview with DHL and chuckled to myself all the way home, simply a day out on the buses. If people can't get the message across by saying "I'm ill take me seriously" then you have to play a game to get out of it, for another example when DHL took me on a while ago, I had 2 hour breaks, be absent without communication, go as slow as possible etc get the message across, I don't want to be there, don't hire me for that Job. I want the job that I want not one I'm told to do and isn't suitable for me, I'm 6'3 I can't be bending down constantly to order picking in a company I hate
There are ways round it

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Liked by: igotamatch
I think it's disgusting. It's basically punishing people for being ill and making it so they can't afford to take time off to get better, which then means they'll spread that sickness around their workplace and it'll be a domino effect to everyone. He's so far out of touch with reality, it's beyond a joke.
Liked by: RidgeBack Rogue


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