

Has anyone ever given you an attitude at your work place or made it very clear that they don’t like you?

Oh yes for sure. He even did it in front of the coworkers. So, during peak period I bailed outta there through the exit in the laundry room. And I can hear him on the walkie-talkie calling my name lol was so priceless. It felt like that scene in that Ted Bundy movie on Netflix when he jumps out the window. I literally could hear that song as soon as I began preparing my escape lol

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Has anyone ever given you an attitude at your work place or made it very clear that they don’t like you?

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At a place I used to work at, there was one co-worker who didn't directly make it clear to me face to face, but I did over hear her talking behind my back. Thankfully I have not had to deal with her for a decade now.
How about you?
If it’s at work, I don’t give a fuck do your job I always do mine. If it’s on my free time, my dime, or my mind, kick rocks I ain’t asking nobody to kick it, and I ain’t even mad about it. Do you, I expect not to be liked by everyone, I voice my opinions and not every body likes that kind of confrontation and that doesn’t bother me at. Have a blessed day with your own kind or like me most the time your own self.

Language: English