
My Name Esteban

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você sabe o que é menopausa ?

MiriamDaSilvaF’s Profile Photomiriamdasilvaf
Olá aqui a resposta @MiriamDaSilvaF Ocasião da vida em que os ovários femininos param de produzir hormônios e os períodos menstruais param. A menopausa natural geralmente ocorre por volta dos 50 anos. Diz-se que uma mulher está na menopausa quando não menstrua há 12 meses consecutivos.
Sintomas: mudança de humor; Asfixia; Secura vaginal. 😜
Occasion of life in which a female's ovaries stop producing hormones and menstrual periods stop. Natural menopause generally occurs around age 50. A woman is said to be in menopause when she has not had a period for 12 months in a row.
Symptoms: mood change; Suffocation; Vaginal dryness 😞🌜

você sabe o que é enfisema ?

MiriamDaSilvaF’s Profile Photomiriamdasilvaf
🌜Olá aqui a resposta @MiriamDaSilvaF. Enfisema uma doença pulmonar que causa falta de ar. Em pessoas com enfisema, os sacos de ar nos pulmões (alvéolos) são danificados. Com o tempo, as paredes internas dos sacos de ar enfraquecem e se rompem, criando espaços de ar maiores em vez de muitos menores. 😕✨
você sabe o que é enfisema

Qué objetivo tienes?

🙂💯Obtain a position that allows me to use my strong organizational skills, award - winning educational experience, and my ability to work excellently with people or colleagues.
S M A R T (P E R S O N A L G O A L S) * Specific =Execute my specific and limited goals for more effective planning. / * Measurable =Define what evidence will show that you are making progress and reevaluate when necessary. / * Attainable =Make sure that you I can reasonably achieve my goal within a given period of time. / * Relevant =My goals must align with my values and long-term goals. / * Time-Based =Set a realistic and ambitious end-date for task prioritization & motivation. Spiritual goals are goals that one has to discover the meaning and purpose of life in relation to the greater whole. These help to understand the meaning of our existence, everything that surrounds us &, little by little, the true purpose of your life: Meditation - I am grateful - I practice solitude - I cultivate inner peace - know what I want (some spiritual goals that make happy). If you want share your various goals! ✨💕 #goal #motivation #love #success #mindset #lifestyle

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Si tiene derecho a vivir en otro país, ¿qué es este país?

Hi good night anonymous handsome. As you have been, I wish you splendid and the rest of the people around you - for me {everything will be fine in the end, then it is not the end} a happiness to read your question and immediately be answered: the nation I want to live in Canada #1 quality occupies about 2 fifths of the continent of North America, making it the second largest country in the world after Russia. 🌎🙂😍
Si tiene derecho a vivir en otro país qué es este país

Sabia que quem tem a mão maior que a cara vai ter câncer?

Os dados revelaram que, alias, isso esta documentado ha decadas. Em geral, os homens tem mais cancer do que as mulheres ", afirma. O prognostico e a sobrevida tambem foram geralmente piores para os homens do que para as mulheres para uma variedade de canceres, descobriu Rubin. 🎈🌿

¿Fruta poco conocida que te guste?

Hi, good night anonymous precious (a). How about I hope excellent and your loved ones - for my part *it is good to leave someone's life if you no longer feel that you belong to it* I am honored to answer your question here we go the popular fruit that I consume is - The End
~It may seem strange to start a story with an ending. But all endings are also beginnings - we just don't know at the time~ the five people you meet in heaven | 🙋‍♂️🌟😊
Fruta poco conocida que te guste

Si pudieras legalizar una cosa, ¿cuál sería?

Litigios, incluidos casos relacionados con contratos, construcción y cuestiones laborales (género, raza, edad, discapacidad y derechos civiles); redactar alegatos legales relacionados & comparecer ante tribunales estatales y federales y en audiencias administrativas.
Planificación y zonificación (y litigios relacionados). 🙂🍓
Litigation, including cases relating to contracts, construction, and employment issues (gender, race, age, disability, and civil rights); draft related legal pleadings and make court appearances in state and federal courts and at administrative hearings.
Planning and zoning (and related litigation).📌📊📂

Qual user vc acha que tem as perguntas mais toscas?

Nenhum = às vezes fazem com / sem anonimato e é aceitável da minha parte porque é colocado como é - Minha pessoa elabora uma pergunta apropriada {não gosto de outros totalmente absurdos - desrespeitando a linha ... Recebo perguntas de grandes usuários seguidores e ao mesmo tempo complexos colocarei um deles como referência: escolha gato ou cachorro, é difícil para mim / nome do meu primeiro filho cuja resposta você pode ver na minha parede, bem como outras questões que considero difícil você pode encontrar

What do you think about fashion influencers?

✨😛Hi, good afternoon @citraayu_k I feel honored to read you "Repeat after me: I am thankful for the abundance in my life \ I am honored to to love and be loved \ I am excited each one for my special journey" Credit; R.H LELCHUK. Here is the answer / fashion is not something that exists only in dresses. Fashion is heaven, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, what we live, / happen around the world. [Attitude; IT IS THE BRUSH THAT COLORS OUR LIFE WITH THE MIND. WE CHOOSE THE COLORS. Nice day and beginning of week humanity. I hope that the week... Arrive renewed with energy and each of our projects flourish..! Let yourself be wrapped with that fragrance of the week (general)] 💫💙

Do you consider yourself a lucky person?

Hi, good afternoon @citraayu_k. How about a great wish and your loved ones - splendid from me 'The best thing you can do for yourself is to live s satisfying life and do all the things that make you happy'. *Nobody is happier than someone who knows how to enjoy their own space without feeling lonely* Credit; Anubisa.
Yes, I consider myself lucky for that reason I value issues that I obtained without asking, did not expect or for which I did not know. I guess it happens to everyone but several human beings do not show gratitude. We take good things for granted. Worse yet, find something to complain about even when it's. 😁🙂 free #uptheanswer #excellentquestion #gratefulhumanbeing
Additional data= I forward the query (question) to your person? 🌺

¿Cómo será el nombre de tu primer hijo?

Hola buenas noches anonimo carismatico. Que tal el final del dia deseo increible. Me inclinaria por Shirley (niña) daniel / sebastian (niño) no obstante aun no tengo planeado tocar temas sobre criaturas en un futuro - en cuanto a los nombres podrian modificar me agraden los nombres u elija otros. A usted como le gustaria llamar a su hijo.
Nota; Disculpa, mi gramatica 🌜❤️🎈
Cómo será el nombre de tu primer hijo


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