
Greg R

Ask @gregoryryder1960

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What would you do if you found a celebrity's phone?

The same as if i found your phone i would give it back to who ever owned it, as i would hope you would do to
Liked by: Jaydeeeplays

Have you ever thought about going somewhere where nobody knows you and starting a new life?

Yes i think most of us go through something like this
Liked by: Jaydeeeplays

Which are you: very fun or just immature? What's the difference?

Very fun in a good way. immature is being childish acting in a irresponsible way being silly not known or thinking of the consequences.
Liked by: Jaydeeeplays

What's the first thing you grab from the refrigerator when you're hungry?

Any leftovers from the night befor if there isn't any cheese is good
Liked by: Jaydeeeplays


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