

Ask @gulraizsaleem

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Why do people give up so easily on relationships nowadays? Are we becoming more and more selfish?

There are two ways to look at it
1) People give up on a toxic relationships because they become self aware and realise how it should be like & what they don’t deserve.
2) People give up on a healthy relationship because of some little things because they overestimate what it should be like or the image of their relationship doesn’t match their fantasy
1st is good kind of selfish
2nd is the worst kind
The problem is relationships are just like a game these days,people are swallowed deep in the distractions of this world,lust and money have punctured most sacred part of their spirit,
There is a loneliness in this world so great that you can see it in the slow movement of hands of clock.
People so tired mutilated either by love or no love,People just aren’t good to each other anymore,
selfish would be an understatement I would say:
Self absorbed hungry egomaniacs who believe that everything should revolve around them,They take,take & take without giving anything in return
The rich are not good to the rich
The poor are not good to the poor.
People like to fantasise about the spurious things they want the most,to attain the unattainable,,not experience the depth of something that’s real.
Sometimes people push people away due to insecurities,like a defensive mechanism.
We live in a sceptical and thought tormented age,sometimes I fear that this new generation educated or hyper educated,as it is will lack those qualities of humanity which belonged to an older day.

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Death is sooo final. Life ? Life on the other hand, is full of possibilities. 😌⛔

asad_ali_akhtar’s Profile PhotoAsad Ali Akhtar
Fascinating words but it couldn’t get any more wrong than this 🙅🏻‍♂️
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Life is soo Final.
Death? Death on the other hand is full of possibilities.
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Nope,It has always been difficult for me,not just to communicate with the opposite gender but with any gender.
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How Do You Feel About Putting Pineapples On Pizza?😋

wardahchaudhary’s Profile PhotoWardah Chaudhary
I don’t get people who can entertain this thought 🤢
Even the idea of it is repulsive
Pineapple has a sweet flavour and on top of that it’s moist,it cannot possibly go well with pizzas.Its place is just not there.
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Some may think that it’s cool but it’s not.
How Do You Feel About Putting Pineapples On Pizza


Language: English