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Would you prefer a well-setteled or a struggling person as your spouse?

SpongeBob6359’s Profile PhotoSpongeBob
As long as there’s understanding it doesn’t matter,
There’s nothing wrong with going for the well settled spouse.
There’s nothing like struggling together and making it to the top.
There will always be struggles,you should be mentally prepared for the responsibility,Never rush into something you aren’t prepared to handle:
I feel no rush to get married, I think that when you hear about marriage and divorce in the same breath so often it shifts your focus from getting married to "Am I ready to be married?" Yes, it's fulfilling half of your imaan but it's not a checklist item it's a lifelong decision.
So I guess don't rush into it unless you're 100% sure of the perosn you're getting married to and 110% sure you want to be married. It's commitment to a person for life, it's sometimes putting their needs above your own and that's easier said than done.
So be sure you're ready to take on a loving, caring, selfless role at times, know that you have responsibilities. Your partner has a right over you (vice versa) before you get married sit down with yourself, introspect to see if you will be able to fulfil that role
Idk why the media pushes this cute fairytale love story, yes it's beautiful, love between two people but there are bad days, there are disagreements, conflict because you're two different people.No two people are 💯 percent alike.You cant expect a loving relationship without working on it,if you’re not willing to work on it you’re not ready for it.
You're two different people, you both know two different ways of communicating, you need to learn about each other, sit down and have those difficult conversations. Nothing fixes itself but with love, respect and an open mind you can find solutions that work for your relationship.
It is easier to watch a tiktok or read something online "If he/she doesn't do this then they don't love you" or "They take you for granted" and project it onto your relationship, but you know what works for you, for your relationship half of these people on the internet aren't even
In healthy relationships. They push a very toxic narrative on how to deal with problems in relationship, its always "just leave" or "be petty" "be understood" but never about the actual difficult part of talking it out and working it out or trying to be understanding.
And last but not the least; never ever let someone else influence your decision.

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