
sincerely, kaitlyn

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Think quit smoking cigarettes is hard ? Try being a parent 24/8 with no help

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I do not think I could take care of a child let alone a baby I have my OWN problems Being Autistic is one of them and I can not even FULLY take care of MYSELF so I doubt I could take care of a child or a baby LITERALLY ALL THE TIME for several years
Yeah I can imagine but have you imagined having kids and having them taken away from you at your lowest and not know anything about their lives or what kinda people are around them I do most people only look at things from their point of view try looking at both sides before acting out in spite
I got a kitten like 6 weeks ago and idk what sleep is anymore. I have to make sure he’s alright, not hurt and that he isnt doing something that’ll upset my parents

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