

Ask @kasey_nicolexoxo

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If you're trying to loose weight you shouldn't be drinking alcohol it makes you bloated

Having a few drinks once every few months isn't going to hurt. Also, everyone's body is different, alcohol doesn't make me bloated. Since I'm 30 pounds down, I don't think I need your advice. Thanks. 😊

Is it hard to get a restraining order on someone who is sending harassing messages when all you have for evidence are the messages?

You should try and get proof that it is them messaging you. That's why I didn't a real restraining order when I tried to get one on someone in real life last year. It still worked out in my favor though lol.

So it turns out I made a huge lapse in judgement and assumed every girl was mean that had resting b!tch face.


What kind of legal connections do you have?

My family knows lawyers, my boyfriend has a family friend who is best friends with the chief of police in the city we are moving to.


Language: English