

Ask @kasey_nicolexoxo

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Omfg seriously!? I hate them... Well at least they're a lot heavier and whatever else they're getting as karma. They deserve it

Yes I'm being serious haha.

Oh really? Idk who but screw em! And good, they deserve it. You're an angel and never deserves to get bullied

It was more than just bullying, but thank you 😊

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someone else then? and yea sorry kasey. I get what you mean. They will get what they deserve eventually

Yes it's someone else lol and it's okay, karma is starting to get to them.

If she's on here then I do cause I've been following yall a while. is it someone u know personally?

I'm not talking about anyone on here lol.

She did gain tons and tons of weight but doesn't she love it? Is it really karma? I want her to feel bad about what she's done to you but she never feels bad bout anything...

You don't even know who I'm talking about lol

Do you spoil yourself ever? Do others spoil you?

I think its hilarious how this person who has done so many horrible things to me over the past two years, has said horrible things to me, used to make fun of my weight and body cause she was skinny at the time and I wasn't, has now gained a ton of weight, and is bigger than me. Like I said, I love karma. 🤣 and before people come at me, and assume I'm talking about someone, this is not about anyone on here.

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Thoughts on people who act like bc their parents are rich means that they are rich too?

I know a lot of people who act like that. It's annoying, but it's whatever 🤷🏼‍♀️

I do 2 day cardio for 1 hr and I feel tired by just talking about it 😂

I cant do cardio for an hour lol


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